so brutal

brutal but could be worse
i mean at least they are touching him even if they moved whole body away as far as possible

just noticed he touches just dudes lmao, dude has typical incel trauma
brutal but could be worse
i mean at least they are touching him even if they moved whole body away as far as possible

just noticed he touches just dudes lmao, dude has typical incel trauma
IMG 6350 everyone is chad with millions of dollars and thousands of slays here
i dont believe single word in here after last 2 days of larp fights
it's over for all of us lmao do you think normal people post here?
it's over for all of us lmao do you think normal people post here?
but im being honest with my khhv (only paid sex) almost wizard rat faced jaw recessed framelet son of dog situation
why even bother to lie to other rotters
but im being honest with my khhv (only paid sex) almost wizard rat faced jaw recessed framelet son of dog situation
why even bother to lie to other rotters
im not talking about alex hes semi(te) normie i guess but the rest is larping so clumsily im sure theyre autistic rotters
but im being honest with my khhv (only paid sex) almost wizard rat faced jaw recessed framelet son of dog situation
why even bother to lie to other rotters
i have to get total joint replacement of my jaw. Why the retards on .is don't get jaw surgery is beyond me. they'll have perfectly fixable recession but just rot
i have to get total joint replacement of my jaw. Why the retards on .is don't get jaw surgery is beyond me. they'll have perfectly fixable recession but just rot
my issue involves literally doing the jaw equivalent of a hip replacement. i'm not gonna sit on my ass and not do it, though. Because i'm not retarded
Htn normie on the left needs to take his chick and run asap - one bad night and she will join one of the harems
noodlewhores and all foids deserve rape at any given time by anyone. even breaking and entering their homes while theyre sleeping to rape them should be legal.
if i could buy my own flesh masturbator that cooks and suck my dick i would even go to work to afford buying one
anyone that works is a cuck. ldar and neet forever. id only work for myself and not pay taxes on any of it.


shits so gay no vax for no work? no vax ever anyone that takes vaxes are stupid cucks.
anyone that works is a cuck. ldar and neet forever. id only work for myself and not pay taxes on any of it.
imagine working whole life just to buy some 40 sqm flat and rot there when youre not at your job waging to give back sheckles to the bank
id rather fucking die in thai dumpster at age of 50 after 20 years of robbing norwegian foid students around ATMs in bangkok

fucking jews
my years of retribution are coming
i will become charles sobhraj of 21 century, serpent of bangkok

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