So brutal walking past german and british tourists

U feel the 12 inch height mog from every single one

All jacked cos gym culture and free time

White features

High class dirty blondeness

Fuck I hope I never see these niggas when I go to asia
luckily after early 20s, the amount of chad backpackers seem to go down a lot
luckily after early 20s, the amount of chad backpackers seem to go down a lot
I saw a pic of backpackers outside of a hostel that I'm interested in. I was shocked by how old they were. They're probably early 30s but they look like they're in their late 30s.
I saw a pic of backpackers outside of a hostel that I'm interested in. I was shocked by how old they were. They're probably early 30s but they look like they're in their late 30s.
yeah because a chad in his 20s will look good without putting in any effort
in the 30s most ppl need to take care of themselves or they look a lot worse

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