Skills needed to survive New World Order

Deleted User222

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2022
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Cutting down trees, Skinning animal fur and getting rid of guts of prey you catch in the wild, Starting a fire without matches or lighter fluid, Hotwiring a car in order to travel to areas quicker, Taking apart any kind of gun and being able to put it back together, (THIS WILL HELP YOU IF YOU COME ACROSS GUN PARTS AROUND HOUSES OR IF YOU LOOT GUN STORES) Being able to scan a building for intruders/defenders, Bandaging and using a torniquet if you or someone has been shot, Finding a clean water source that isn't stagnant, Knowing how to steal gas from abandoned vehicles/ Steal gas from gas stations, Knowing how to avoid thermal cameras/Thermal Imagery, (DRONES THAT CAN SEEK YOUR BODY HEAT ARE A BIG THREAT AND THEY WILL USE THEM ON THE REMAINING PEOPLE ALIVE-Use Aluminum Foil) Quick reloading and accurate aiming over anything else, Rifles should be hidden if you use them in a building and tank obstacles should be on every entrance and exit.

These are just some tips because i can already see this country is falling to their plans, I don't expect most people to listen or even read anything i wrote but oh well. I am already fucked unless i get some guns and move out of this state but i might as well give some advice to the guys who are actually smart and understand.

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