
Gate's closing
Dec 27, 2024
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Is it a good idea to get into a LTR early in my geomaxxing journey ?
She fits all my criteria pretty much
If you’re self aware enough to know it’s legit that would be my goal
reading your other threads you probably lack enough experience to decide properly

give yourself a few months of experience and date other girls
I agree. But of course if I do so, I give up what I have with this girl. I like her very much.
For now we said we would just see each other and see how it goes. At least, this way I can really confirm my choice.
having ltr is convenient im getting laid 2-3 times a day for at least 30-90 min each and only because my libido sucks. she would be down to fuck more often. but its boring very quick. its not about positions - you just want to fuck someone else, maybe its just me because im real conqueror and my genes make me spread them wide

id go for ltr in ur situation you'll learn how to fuck properly 10 times faster
having ltr is convenient im getting laid 2-3 times a day for at least 30-90 min each and only because my libido sucks. she would be down to fuck more often. but its boring very quick. its not about positions - you just want to fuck someone else, maybe its just me because im real conqueror and my genes make me spread them wide

id go for ltr in ur situation you'll learn how to fuck properly 10 times faster
Appreciate the advice man
LTR her and get the experience. You’ll need it to move up to a better, more beautiful woman at some point.

The only thing to keep in mind: never tell anyone that you love them. They will think they’re too good for you and leave
Who doesnt like LTR? Really? Is everyone’s goal here just to have STD ridden flings? I find this incredibly boring. LTR is a dream!
i'm giga non-nt
Then it’s over. May as well become a twrrorist out of spite. You’ll never fit into society, hey maybe if you are white you can fit into some white supremacy groups and at least you’ll be viewed as human. Good luck! You could be racially abigious!
Then it’s over. May as well become a twrrorist out of spite. You’ll never fit into society, hey maybe if you are white you can fit into some white supremacy groups and at least you’ll be viewed as human. Good luck! You could be racially abigious!
i mean at the very least i can get pussy in flipland so it could always be worse!
congrats on being domesticated
I guess you are right buddy. But it is a trade-off. I think I get in the relationship in a good position because she really seems in love and bends her rules for me.
But what I gain from trading-off a bit of freedom is a life that seems hugely more interesting and thrilling.

I was being very rational with it. This girl is a once in a lifetime experience. I’m therefore willing to take some risks.

And what I love is that she has nothing to gain from me financially or statuswise. So I know I’m not in a betabuxxing situation.
Now I’ll do my best not to oofydoofize myself
congrats on being domesticated
Funnily enough it’s comparable to living in China compared to let’s say France.
if you are a foreigner going to China you might trade off a bit of your freedom to get a thrilling dating life and a better QOL.
You also trade freedom for security (for example with street cameras). But I don’t value freedom at all, if freedom allows for a country where you can get stabbed on the street for no reason or where women get raped often.

As in all things, ying and yang
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I think you are probably making a mistake. However, you are young enough to be able to afford making mistakes. Enjoy the new girlfriend.

My only advice would be to cut things off after a few months if things get stale. You don't want to lose the opportunity of a lifetime by sticking with one girl for the entire duration. The opportunity cost is the opportunity lost.
I think you are probably making a mistake. However, you are young enough to be able to afford making mistakes. Enjoy the new girlfriend.

My only advice would be to cut things off after a few months if things get stale. You don't want to lose the opportunity of a lifetime by sticking with one girl for the entire duration. The opportunity cost is the opportunity lost.
Allright I respect your opinion, and you may be right (although I hope you’re not). And I know the statistics probably support your opinion more than my choice.
I think whatever happens it can be a positive experience and fruitful in lessons.
About the opportunity lost I agree… at the same time I am nowhere near chad and never will be, so I might just miss out on not so great girls. And you could see it the other way around. If I reject her, I miss out on the opportunity to experience something good, rich in lessons and that I love.

As you said, the fact that I am still young is hugely beneficial, and allows me to get in this relationship with peace in mind, not pressured by time.
Honestly, enjoy the relationship and get the experience you need to find someone better, if you need so.

It will actually bring you more freedom as her Chinese proficiency and knowledge of the city will unlock many activities, to which you would not have access otherwise.

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