Self reinvention is a fable that appeals to many people. Motivational speakers make hella money selling the dream of creating a new (You). Dream being the key word.
If you slacked off for a few years in your late 20s after partying too hard, picked up a drinking habit, put on some weight, stagnated in your career, got addicted to porn and 4chan, made zero new friends after high school,'s a no-brainer to self-improove your way to the higher status that you are socially entitled to, instead of continuing life as a failed normie.
But if you are a true celibate outcast, no sudden motivation, change or new opportunities in your life will change who you fundamentally are. Sure, women will be enamored with the energy that comes from making a major change in your life, and their positive reception will spur you to put on your best extroverted personality, but then the "new you" becomes routine, you no longer feel the optimism and energy you did at first, and your old nature begins reasserting itself. As a result, females will see though the facade of the "new you" with their emotional intuition, and begin distancing themselves from you again. The first rejection you take in stride, but it still puts a dent in your confidence. Then comes the second freeze-out, and now you are realizing that the incompatibility remains between you and the female of the species.
Guys who insist that being merely ugly or short makes them "truecel" are misguided, and engaging in self-pitying and self-hating practices as a cope for being rejected. It's all about what's in your head. The simple truth is, if you were socially rejected throughout your formative years (up til age 23 for mental development), your chances of "escaping yourself" are virtually nil, as your current personality has been hard-wired into your brain. Of course, a teenage loser as he matures can cultivate good habits, suppress bad habits, sand down the rougher edges of his personality, practice self-discipline and healthy living, find financial success, learn to use money as a means to an end, develop an aggressive personality, and so on...but no matter what you do, YWNBAC (You Will Never Be A Chad).