schizo rambling about my dilemma cos no one else to tell


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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got a gf but shes not rly my type tbh. she too white and looks too chinese

she even explained to me that she thinks foreigners prefer tanned skin and thai girls face

shes quite smart cos that is actually very true, for me at least. but i just had to lie to her and say i prefer her white/slightly yellow skin and chinese looking face

but actually i dont

she even showed me some 10/10 east asian or thai girl which did surgery and bleach to basically replicate a white girl, and asked if i find it hot, and i said no. but i shouldve said yes cos now she realized im not attracted to the look shes going for

i feel like love for her and she makes me happy and she like 145cm which is rare and ideal for me, and we have perfect conversation/friendship, but i just dont feel much physically attracted to her cos shes chink

i think this is making her feel low self esteem cos shes always trying to get validation from me, about what i like about her etc

my heart says stay with her for love

my dick says leave her and go fuck some small brown thai girls

idk which one to follow. my heart or my dick

and idk why she doesnt go for thai guys, she looks like a white skin korean girl the exact look that korean girls are tryna achieve so probably could get a high tier thai guy

but probably cant get a high tier foreigner cos shes not their type

idk what to do.

my condo expires in a week and im looking at flights to go to philippines so im guaranteed a small brown girl. im 98% certain im gonna book it. i found some nice condo in makati

tired of having to sift through hundreds of girls to find a small girl. then she ends up being white or some shit, or suicidal, or a virgin like that filipina.

and i want a english speaking girl. i feel like the vibe feels so much more natural when she speaks fluent english like filipina. with her i actually had fun and felt like i was with a british girl type-connection

also everyone in the entire geomax community hates my guts for literally no reason so i think im gonna leave
i kinda came to the same conclusion after the last time i was in thailand. communication is key so the vibe was never really on a level that i could enjoy it longterm because conversations remained on basic levels.

probably the only way to compensate for that is if you get really hot girls, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore in thailand or vietnam. so i think i'll have to move on to where either my SMV is higher or where they speak one of my languages.
my advice is to leave her asap, I had the same dilemma where I dated a girl I had perfect friendship with but she wasn’t my ideal type physically. The relationship won’t work when you can get other options that are your type and the longer you drag it on the more you will hurt her.

As for everyone hating you for no reason, I find your posts entertaining and you have given a lot of info, but you’re overly hostile to people, and a lot of your takes range from black and white thinking to down right sociopathic. Also I doubt anyone genuinely hates you here but ofc if u bring negative vibes that’s what u will get back.
show me a girls tiktok reposts and i’ll know her destiny
im in similar situation i think it wont work any longer
i think i need intelectual stimulation from a girl i was in relationship with chinese girl that graduated americuck ivy league uni and she was smartest person i know, she was smart enough to kick my ass very quick because she knew ima loser

gonna try just leave for korea or japan without hurting this thai girl somehow
but shes prettiest thai girl ive ever seen, i just got bored of plain sex and shes not interesting enough for me
i kinda came to the same conclusion after the last time i was in thailand. communication is key so the vibe was never really on a level that i could enjoy it longterm because conversations remained on basic levels.

probably the only way to compensate for that is if you get really hot girls, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore in thailand or vietnam. so i think i'll have to move on to where either my SMV is higher or where they speak one of my languages.
It was possible just once for me (6 IRL only post surgeries)
i kinda came to the same conclusion after the last time i was in thailand. communication is key so the vibe was never really on a level that i could enjoy it longterm because conversations remained on basic levels.

probably the only way to compensate for that is if you get really hot girls, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore in thailand or vietnam. so i think i'll have to move on to where either my SMV is higher or where they speak one of my languages.
what are you looking for?

if it's for short term, you can get hot girls as long as you dont care about anything else
if it's for long term, you can girls on your same socioeconomic level

to get both it's gonna be way harder, possibly involving money, or having to learn the language and then meet girls offline

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