Geomax Religion is the world's biggest cope for dumb people (IQ vs. religiosity by country)

this is true but atheists are still incredibly dumb

there is a evolution: religion -> atheism -> acceptance of unknown

majority of people are stuck in the middle. Religion and atheism is almost the same shit, because it's driven by ignorance. Very few people reach end stage

if you reach end stage, you will realize that reality is unexplainable because there are no words that can point to it, and there will never be explanation by words

atheism classic phrases:

"if god exist, why he created so much suffering?"
because it's not good or bad from god perspective, it's the same shit. If you were looking from cat's perspective, your understanding of good and bad would be completely different.

"could god just not create evil?"
same answer as before. Also, if evil is destroyed, good is also destroyed. Same coin with different sides. Deleting one side would delete whole thing because whole reality is made of differences. If you eliminate all difference you end up with nothing. Nothing is reality, but there is no concepts, symbols or words that could point to it

"then why create anything at all?"
because if infinity and selflessness exist as absolutes, this would be most logical decision - to create everything
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this is true but atheists are still incredibly dumb

there is a evolution: religion -> atheism -> acceptance of unknown

majority of people are stuck in the middle. Religion and atheism is almost the same shit, because it's driven by ignorance. Very few people reach end stage

if you reach end stage, you will realize that reality is unexplainable because there are no words that can point to it, and there will never be explanation by words

atheism classic phrases:

"if god exist, why he created so much suffering?"
because it's not good or bad from god perspective, it's the same shit. If you were looking from cat's perspective, your understanding of good and bad would be completely different.

"could god just not create evil?"
same answer as before. Also, if evil is destroyed, good is also destroyed. Same coin with different sides. Deleting one side would delete whole thing because whole reality is made of differences. If you eliminate all difference you end up with nothing. Nothing is reality, but there is no concepts, symbols or words that could point to it

"then why create anything at all?"
because if infinity and selflessness exist as absolutes, this would be most logical decision - to create everything
You are right, agnosticism is the way to go.
Reality is absolute. Everything is measurable and thus predictable.
Reality is absolute - true
Everything is measurable and predictable - no

unless I don't understand what you mean by everything. If you mean all content within reality, then yes (like in a dream you can measure shit and do science but it won't tell you anything about that you're dreaming). Reality is based on "nothingness", "infinity" or whatever fuck you want to call it, and that thing is not measurable, it's not possible to conceptualize it
Reality is absolute - true
Everything is measurable and predictable - no

unless I don't understand what you mean by everything. If you mean all content within reality, then yes (like in a dream you can measure shit and do science but it won't tell you anything about that you're dreaming). Reality is based on "nothingness", "infinity" or whatever fuck you want to call it, and that thing is not measurable, it's not possible to conceptualize it
Yes, everything physical is measurable. Everything metaphysical is not.
Yes, everything physical is measurable. Everything metaphysical is not.
true, but problem is that atheist denies that metaphysical exist. "Oh, it's just hallucination". It's very easy for atheist to assume that because countless people talk about bullshit like law of attraction and other nonsense doesn't exist (which they created to fuel their ego minds and selfish beliefs).

this text is for atheists:

the whole reality is just a mind game. Imagine there exist no "material" reality and there is nothing, just blank/emptiness/infinity/infinite potential (impossible to explain, but you could think about it as it was water that expands to all directions, but once you put water into the glass, it only can be in glass if it's self limited and then it gains "form"). This "entity" can't create anything, because it's infinitely self conscious about itself. It can't create anything outside itself because it already incorporates everything! The only way it could create anything is to limit itself! So after limiting, it gains form which is what you call reality. So the mind played trick on itself to experience something limiting. It created all logical explanations for every question within limitation to keep tricking itself, example:
"where does mind come from?" - "from the brain"
"what is the brain?" - "physical thing that consists of neurons and shit"
"what are neurons?" - "made of molecules"
"what are molecules?" - "made of atoms and electrons"

and you can keep going forever, because it's like dog chasing its tail. Eventually you will come full circle. You will never reach base lol, because reality is baseless (in other words its base is nothingness/mind).

ask yourself these questions honestly:
"will I ever experience anything outside my mind?"
"If no, why are you assuming other minds exist?"
"if other minds don't exist, how you know you will experience death? maybe it's just another concept to keep yourself tricked"
one more important: "why any of these questions feel like nonsense, why they provoke self defense mechanism?" Maybe there is a reason you don't want to dig deep into these questions and it makes you feel uncomfortable, so your ego reaction would just be: "it's bullshit bro, science bro, brain bro etc" without even digging deep, just scratching surface
'Metaphysics is a type of philosophy or study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and our understanding of it.'
I was pointing to something more profound, not just mental masturbation, but it's not possible, I tried my best. All words are just pointers/symbols and they're limited, I can't actually point it to you, because "it" can't be conceptualized

Prove it, oh wait, you can't. Herein lies the problem.
If you read my explanation and penetrate your fucking defense mechanisms, you would realize that it's impossible to prove, and it should be that way. You can only experience it yourself, no one is going to show it to you lol
Agnosticism simply means not claiming to know for certain what lies behind the reality the human brain is capable of grasping (metaphysical).

Most stupidity doesn't come from the actual belief people have chosen but from claiming to know for certain (gnostic).

If you didn't get it yet, this video will help you to break it down:
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When you go to hell, make sure to show God these statistics. Maybe he'll change his mind.
i'm sure "god" is quite happy with all the sheeple around him who won't question paying church taxes. the most religious people are also the poorest, what a surprise...
interesting take to bring this guy up. indeed he believes in god somehow, but he came up with his own theory and doesn't let himself or his approach get instrumentalized by any of the common religious denominations (christianity, islam etc.):

Langan has developed an idea he calls the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" (CTMU)[5][6][7] which he maintains "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[8] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology"[5] additionally contending that with the CTMU he "can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[1][4] Even so, Langan does not belong to any religious denomination, explaining that he "can't afford to let logical approach to theology be prejudiced by religious dogma".
interesting take to bring this guy up. indeed he believes in god somehow, but he came up with his own theory and doesn't let himself or his approach get instrumentalized by any of the common religious denominations (christianity, islam etc.):

Langan has developed an idea he calls the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" (CTMU)[5][6][7] which he maintains "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[8] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology"[5] additionally contending that with the CTMU he "can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[1][4] Even so, Langan does not belong to any religious denomination, explaining that he "can't afford to let logical approach to theology be prejudiced by religious dogma".
His stuff lines up with Einsteins belief of god and occult boom belief.
His stuff lines up with Einsteins belief of god and occult boom belief.
i don't know what occult boom is.

but Einstein is a good example of how an intelligent person thinks about god. he said:

“The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this.”​

well come on, you had to know that.

Low IQ are like children. Children need to have someone there to guide them. At first it's a parent. Then its' "god". Otherwis,e Low IQ people get into trouble. They have no empathy, or very little remorse. Why do you think blacks commit the most murders and crime?

average IQ is 85 for blacks. This is no mystery.

but imagine africa. average IQ is 67. No, that's not a type o.
Religion is designed to keep people dumb. This is why I have never understood why the right wants to create a theocratic caliphate if IQ decline is causing the end of civilisation.
hm i assume they don't bother thinking that far ahead and instead think something like "as long as i'm alive things will work out for me. and my children will probably have enough money and power to be still fine as well even if civilization declines."

Also JFL at using that 2nd graph quoting Richard Lynn.
just checked this guy on wikipedia. i see he got attacked for being racist and sexist. i wouldn't be suprized if some minorities or women got pissed off by his research results and thus tried to cancel him. it seems like the big scientific journals haven't agreed to retract his research.

however, i didn't take the time to dive deeper into his work to verify if it's legit or not, so i'm not gonna try to defend him or something.
hm i assume they don't bother thinking that far ahead and instead think something like "as long as i'm alive things will work out for me. and my children will probably have enough money and power to be still fine as well even if civilization declines
however, i didn't take the time to dive deeper into his work to verify if it's legit or not, so i'm not gonna try to defend him or something.
his IQ of nations dataset (the dataset these charts are referencing) is terrible. Half the countries he guessed their IQ instead of measuring it, the data sampling is also skewed for a lot of countries; some countries he only sampled <100 rural children for a 3rd world country but sampled <1000 middle aged people from the 1st world. It's basically falsified info.

his IQ of nations dataset (the dataset these charts are referencing) is terrible. Half the countries he guessed their IQ instead of measuring it, the data sampling is also skewed for a lot of countries; some countries he only sampled <100 rural children for a 3rd world country but sampled <1000 middle aged people from the 1st world. It's basically falsified info.
Yes it has its flaws. Guessing IQs based on neighbour country data and children studies seems not very reliable indeed.

He should have just left more countries out for insufficient data instead of trying to complete the data set by hook or by crook.
yea i agree, the comparison with children fits pretty well.

this is rather related to EQ or psychopathy.
no there is proof that low IQ means no empathy and no to little remorse. they did research in a prison. to find the high IQ individuals and the low IQ individuals. Its why niggers have no problem killing other human beings. ESPECIALLY africa.

And with low IQ this is what they found. The reason most serial killers are high IQ with no empathy an little remorse is because they are psychopaths'. You can do simple google searches to find this is all true.

Also they developed a test. I can easily do all of them. Even the story narration. very easily
But i tested mensa 4 times. I am afraid to do the 5th one. first 3 before covid and the jab. 134 to 136. two years after the jab and my employees were making fun of me how much i was forgetting things. Where before i would be able to tell you were you left the screwdriver 3 months ago. without knowing you had used it. but simply walking by an area and seeing it. Did a 4th and tested at 112 two years after the jab. I have never fully recovered. Should have never taken the fucking thing. First time i ever caved to pressure in my life. And i only did it to appease my employers. Because i was high up on the gov totem pole and wanted to set an example for my employees. regret it every day.


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no there is proof that low IQ means no empathy and no to little remorse. they did research in a prison. to find the high IQ individuals and the low IQ individuals. Its why niggers have no problem killing other human beings. ESPECIALLY africa.
it makes sense that if the IQ is very low they don't have the computing power to understand how others feel. but if that was really the reason here, how is it possible then that even dogs are able to feel empathy who clearly have a way lower IQ than jailed africans?

But i tested mensa 4 times. I am afraid to do the 5th one. first 3 before covid and the jab. 134 to 136. two years after the jab and my employees were making fun of me how much i was forgetting things. Where before i would be able to tell you were you left the screwdriver 3 months ago. without knowing you had used it. but simply walking by an area and seeing it. Did a 4th and tested at 112 two years after the jab. I have never fully recovered.
low IQ after a vaccine shot? never heard of that. did you do any other substances? like lots of alcohol or something? or maybe you were just unconcetrated that day, who knows. anyway, 112 is still much higher than average, placed at the end of the scale of the first graph i posted.

which mensa test did you take? the official one? i only did online tests because the official ones are expensive here and i don't see the point of paying for that. i didn't find the online mensa test particularly useful because it only contained solving matrices which is just one piece in the puzzle of intelligence. also i'm unsure if the time limit makes sense. of course being able to solve problems faster should mean higher intelligence, but with such kind of test you also measure someone's performance under stress to a large degree. you would be more likely to choose a potentially incorrect answer quickly instead of fully thinking it through. there is also a test by "psychology today" that covers a lot more different types of tasks and doesn't have a time limit. my score was a lot higher on that one. again not sure though how meaningful this really is though.
it makes sense that if the IQ is very low they don't have the computing power to understand how others feel. but if that was really the reason here, how is it possible then that even dogs are able to feel empathy who clearly have a way lower IQ than jailed africans?

low IQ after a vaccine shot? never heard of that. did you do any other substances? like lots of alcohol or something? or maybe you were just unconcetrated that day, who knows. anyway, 112 is still much higher than average, placed at the end of the scale of the first graph i posted.

which mensa test did you take? the official one? i only did online tests because the official ones are expensive here and i don't see the point of paying for that. i didn't find the online mensa test particularly useful because it only contained solving matrices which is just one piece in the puzzle of intelligence. also i'm unsure if the time limit makes sense. of course being able to solve problems faster should mean higher intelligence, but with such kind of test you also measure someone's performance under stress to a large degree. you would be more likely to choose a potentially incorrect answer quickly instead of fully thinking it through. there is also a test by "psychology today" that covers a lot more different types of tasks and doesn't have a time limit. my score was a lot higher on that one. again not sure though how meaningful this really is though.
It was the offical mensa tests. And yes, that is all an IQ test is. It's not questions about mathematics or anything like that.

it's shapes and things. This is why when blacks say "those tests were made by whites, and it's why we don't score well with IQ tests" ANYONE can do a mensa IQ test. Any age, any race.
so their excuses are complete bullshit. It's just blacks have low IQ. it's really that simple.
when they say the average black in the US has an average IQ of 85-87. Means that there are 50% of them with LOWER IQ's than that! Why do you think they have highest crime rate per capita. And all the other things that go along with low IQ. But i ran into a racist website (im not racist, don't get me wrong). And one poster said "i am not angry at niggers any more than i get angry for monkeys flinging poo in a zoo, it's what they do, it's in their nature". And it really made me think. He's right. if you have a low IQ (it doesn't matter what your color is). You are going to behave a certain way. And if blacks have an 85IQ and whites in the same geographical area have 99. And asians in the same area are 103. OF COURSE your going to notice more problems with the lower IQ persons. It's not rocket science. It is just biology. And no amount of feel good liberal bullshit "we are all the same" is going to change that. Because we are NOT all the same. If we were, why do anthropologists tell the race of someone by just the bones. It's all glaringly obvious for everyone to see, but no one is allowed to talk about it out loud. Because there is just no way to fix it.

america REAAAAAAALY fucked up, By importing slaves, by freeing the slaves. And not returning them all back. But you moved people that were never ready to live in civilization. to a society that has a higher IQ level. It's never going to work. EVER. It's why africans without assistance, still live in tribes and grass huts
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