Reddit thread on most desirable races in some Asian countries (JBW dying?)


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
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Interesting thread on the preferences of noodles and curries. It seems like the commenters are saying that Korean culture is more prevelant amongst zoomers, but its split between users saying that they prefer Korean features vs white features. I try to stay neutral in JBW debates as my stance is that I think generally speaking whites are the most desired race globally based on statistics and general observations, and while some take it too literally I think the average ethnic has to be pretty tall and above average face to have the smv of an average white dude. Despite this I think Asians have seen markedly high increase in their SMV in the last 5 years, however its usually the Kpop maxxed surgery maxxed ones (although the average asian in mainlands are more attractive than the ones in the US, who are more dorkier and meek by comparison.)

Whats weird too in the thread is that even when users agree that westerners would be more attractive than the other options its in the framing of west and passport rather than whiteness. Which begs the question of if filipinas say really prefer white dudes over Asian features, rather than what the white dude can potentially provide. Theres even those claiming there is a stigma now with younger generations dating white dudes. I have no dog in this fight, I am a coomer but would like to see what the current meta is for JBW
@MrChinX would like to hear your thoughts, it seems you are the resident gook here who has good insider info.
incoming autism

That graph has 0 source because its made up in photoshop from AznIdentity incels who seethe at white men.

They made another graph showing all european women prefer korean guys 🤣

but its having the exact reaction they want it to. they wanted to make you insecure, question jbw, and spread the photoshopped graph. you did all 3 things.

SEA women prefer white men over east asian men by 100x in every aspect.

Whites are 4 inches taller, fit facial beauty standards better, way whiter skin(theyre brown), richer, BWC

plus they all already learned our language fluently. once they all learned our language, that means they are PROPERTY of BWC.

they aint gonna learn an entire new language to fuck east asian guys or go live in their country. they only wanna live in the west, and its the only place they could live due to language.

However, they have a lot of softpower in south east asia.

Whites dominate the movie industry in SEA. they only watch white movies.

Koreans dominate the series industry in SEA, & they like kpop guys

Also all white gigachads all tan their skin to be attractive to white women.

Whereas all east asian gigachads all lighten their skin to be attractive to asian women.

White gigachads are tanned, asian gigachads are paper white. SEA women like white skin , so they'll prefer asian gigachads.

However they'll prefer avg white men as we are white, and east asians are brown.

& also worth to note the east asian gigachads all bleach themselves white, and get surgery/editing to get white facial features
proving that asian men can only be attractive when they basically transform themselves into having white faces and white skin

JBW can only ever be dead, if SEA women start to prefer short height, brown skin, poor men, small dicks

Asian features,

  1. In the study by Wong et al3, judges of various ethnicities (including Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Hispanic, and African) rated lips and faces based on their attractiveness. Korean men and women were judged to have the most attractive lips, but the least attractive faces, while Caucasian men and women were judged to have the least attractive lips, but the most attractive faces. Interestingly, the lips did not seem to contribute much to overall facial attractiveness.This contrasts with the results from a study by Chan et al,8 which found that the upper and lower lips were among the most important factors when Caucasian examiners ranked Chinese profiles.

    (tdlr in scientific study, SEA women rated korean men and women much less facially attractive than white men and women)
incoming autism

That graph has 0 source because its made up in photoshop from AznIdentity incels who seethe at white men.

They made another graph showing all european women prefer korean guys 🤣

but its having the exact reaction they want it to. they wanted to make you insecure, question jbw, and spread the photoshopped graph. you did all 3 things.

SEA women prefer white men over east asian men by 100x in every aspect.

Whites are 4 inches taller, fit facial beauty standards better, way whiter skin(theyre brown), richer, BWC

plus they all already learned our language fluently. once they all learned our language, that means they are PROPERTY of BWC.

they aint gonna learn an entire new language to fuck east asian guys or go live in their country. they only wanna live in the west, and its the only place they could live due to language.

However, they have a lot of softpower in south east asia.

Whites dominate the movie industry in SEA. they only watch white movies.

Koreans dominate the series industry in SEA, & they like kpop guys

Also all white gigachads all tan their skin to be attractive to white women.

Whereas all east asian gigachads all lighten their skin to be attractive to asian women.

White gigachads are tanned, asian gigachads are paper white. SEA women like white skin , so they'll prefer asian gigachads.

However they'll prefer avg white men as we are white, and east asians are brown.

& also worth to note the east asian gigachads all bleach themselves white, and get surgery/editing to get white facial features
proving that asian men can only be attractive when they basically transform themselves into having white faces and white skin

JBW can only ever be dead, if SEA women start to prefer short height, brown skin, poor men, small dicks

  1. In the study by Wong et al3, judges of various ethnicities (including Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Hispanic, and African) rated lips and faces based on their attractiveness. Korean men and women were judged to have the most attractive lips, but the least attractive faces, while Caucasian men and women were judged to have the least attractive lips, but the most attractive faces. Interestingly, the lips did not seem to contribute much to overall facial attractiveness.This contrasts with the results from a study by Chan et al,8 which found that the upper and lower lips were among the most important factors when Caucasian examiners ranked Chinese profiles.

    (tdlr in scientific study, SEA women rated korean men and women much less facially attractive than white men and women)
Brutal, honestly let the rice boyos cope with their kpop niche at least its something lol
Mixed up the colours purple and red for the map and did a MASSIVE double take lmao
incoming autism

That graph has 0 source because its made up in photoshop from AznIdentity incels who seethe at white men.

They made another graph showing all european women prefer korean guys 🤣

but its having the exact reaction they want it to. they wanted to make you insecure, question jbw, and spread the photoshopped graph. you did all 3 things.

SEA women prefer white men over east asian men by 100x in every aspect.

Whites are 4 inches taller, fit facial beauty standards better, way whiter skin(theyre brown), richer, BWC

plus they all already learned our language fluently. once they all learned our language, that means they are PROPERTY of BWC.

they aint gonna learn an entire new language to fuck east asian guys or go live in their country. they only wanna live in the west, and its the only place they could live due to language.

However, they have a lot of softpower in south east asia.

Whites dominate the movie industry in SEA. they only watch white movies.

Koreans dominate the series industry in SEA, & they like kpop guys

Also all white gigachads all tan their skin to be attractive to white women.

Whereas all east asian gigachads all lighten their skin to be attractive to asian women.

White gigachads are tanned, asian gigachads are paper white. SEA women like white skin , so they'll prefer asian gigachads.

However they'll prefer avg white men as we are white, and east asians are brown.

& also worth to note the east asian gigachads all bleach themselves white, and get surgery/editing to get white facial features
proving that asian men can only be attractive when they basically transform themselves into having white faces and white skin

JBW can only ever be dead, if SEA women start to prefer short height, brown skin, poor men, small dicks

  1. In the study by Wong et al3, judges of various ethnicities (including Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Hispanic, and African) rated lips and faces based on their attractiveness. Korean men and women were judged to have the most attractive lips, but the least attractive faces, while Caucasian men and women were judged to have the least attractive lips, but the most attractive faces. Interestingly, the lips did not seem to contribute much to overall facial attractiveness.This contrasts with the results from a study by Chan et al,8 which found that the upper and lower lips were among the most important factors when Caucasian examiners ranked Chinese profiles.

    (tdlr in scientific study, SEA women rated korean men and women much less facially attractive than white men and women)
YOUR JBW posts are the funniest shit ever. I laugh in my head when i remember these post JFL. Easily the funnies guy on the forum. Weaponized autism is the funniest shit ever

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