Books read the first 20 pages of don quixote

finally finished this book

i donā€™t recommend reading it unless youā€™re trapped on an island

the themes are good but actual writing is meh. prob cuz itā€™s 400 years old and written by shitskin spaniards
finally finished this book

i donā€™t recommend reading it unless youā€™re trapped on an island

the themes are good but actual writing is meh. prob cuz itā€™s 400 years old and written by shitskin spaniards
Spaniards are retarded. I'm here rn they build trains on the beach so u can't enjoy the beach, and it smells like sewage everywhere despite its a 'first world' country
Spaniards are retarded. I'm here rn they build trains on the beach so u can't enjoy the beach, and it smells like sewage everywhere despite its a 'first world' country
in every bigger spanish city you can also count on that they built a big ass street right behind the beach, so annoying.
Spaniards are retarded. I'm here rn they build trains on the beach so u can't enjoy the beach, and it smells like sewage everywhere despite its a 'first world' country
if south america was colonized by anglos it would be a better place today

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