Rate tinder photozzz

Yeah, I'm fat. Is that okay?

Or you're asking if I rated your body? I rated your pics. Hard to say without face.
my picz are just body
hence you rating my body

since you told me you want me to rate you
i assume you wanted me to rate your body az well.
my picz are just body
hence you rating my body

since you told me you want me to rate you
i assume you wanted me to rate your body az well.
Yes, I rated your body. It seems like you need bulk up a bit. I don't know if I should upload my pic, I'm not that lean
You say I lack pecs and shoulders. And no traps lol? My one pec is almost same size as my head. I'm 6 ft
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you have no clearly abz
you look like you lift thats it
me on the other hand i lift, swim and surf hence im leanmaxxed

now add hairmaxxed and guitarmaxxed
Upload mirror selfie while standing. Bruh, are you trolling? I'm 183cm, weight 94kg and on steroids. And you told me I have no pecs, shoulders, traps while they're the strongest parts of my body
Upload mirror selfie while standing. Bruh, are you trolling? I'm 183cm, weight 94kg and on steroids. And you told me I have no pecs, shoulders, traps while they're the strongest parts of my body
those photos are so bad
your front body is good, but don't take selfies with bad lighting
bad fashion
2/10 tbh
take my rating seriously too as im a dating app expert
absolutely horrendous lmao
Ethnic brown boy found 3 bitches and now post chats everywhere. Forgot to mention that one whore is crazy that has potential to kill you and also threatens you by suicide (borderline personality disorder). Another bitch is schizophrenic, consumes anti psychotic medications. Another bitch is depressed, high dose of antidepressants and anti anxiety, she's so lazy she can't even wash her disgusting feet.

What they have in common? They're all crazy, smell the mixture of sweat, fish and piss. They fall in love in 10 minutes with most disgusting ethnics. I can show them monkey photo and they would get wet. That's how crazy they are.
Ethnic brown boy found 3 bitches and now post chats everywhere. Forgot to mention that one whore is crazy that has potential to kill you and also threatens you by suicide (borderline personality disorder). Another bitch is schizophrenic, consumes anti psychotic medications. Another bitch is depressed, high dose of antidepressants and anti anxiety, she's so lazy she can't even wash her disgusting feet.

What they have in common? They're all crazy, smell the mixture of sweat, fish and piss. They fall in love in 10 minutes with most disgusting ethnics. I can show them monkey photo and they would get wet. That's how crazy they are.
non of them will give you the time of the day bald and chubby non definition goy
Ethnic brown boy found 3 bitches and now post chats everywhere. Forgot to mention that one whore is crazy that has potential to kill you and also threatens you by suicide (borderline personality disorder). Another bitch is schizophrenic, consumes anti psychotic medications. Another bitch is depressed, high dose of antidepressants and anti anxiety, she's so lazy she can't even wash her disgusting feet.

What they have in common? They're all crazy, smell the mixture of sweat, fish and piss. They fall in love in 10 minutes with most disgusting ethnics. I can show them monkey photo and they would get wet. That's how crazy they are.

View attachment COPITY.mp4
non of them will give you the time of the day bald and chubby non definition goy
Why would I want them to give me attention? I'm actually happy that brown boys exist, so they preoccupy these mental whores with mindless texting for years so they could cause less problems to normal people
Why would I want them to give me attention? I'm actually happy that brown boys exist, so they preoccupy these mental whores with mindless texting for years so they could cause less problems to normal people
you dont want sex or fuck foidz?

gaymaxxing iz your strat i guezz

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