Well-known Member
This guide is the way I personally think about escalation and emotional calibration. Of course, everyone has their own way of thinking about these topics, but I hope this guide can introduce the subject for newer geomaxxers as well as explain the system that works for me. And, as my understanding continues to evolve, I hope to be able to update this guide to reflect what I learn.
This guide is written from a "red pill" or PUA perspective, which is not necessarily the focus of this forum. If you have any questions about specifics or terminology, please do ask. I will try to hyperlink definitions as they appear. As the wise @Exutoire once said: think blackpill, act redpill, speak bluepill.
And, of course, this guide is written for those who want to geomax in Japan. Some of the principles may apply to other destinations, especially other East Asian countries, but not necessarily.
What is Escalation? (No, really)
The common way people think about escalation is that it’s physical. While physical escalation is the most recognizable form, thinking of it only in this way is in my opinion a limitation, because it makes it easy to forget that your connection with the girl is fundamentally emotional in nature -- not physical. Our goal with the girl may be physical (sex), but to get there it’s often more appropriate to think in terms of emotions than physicality.
If sex is the goal, then it makes sense to view escalation as progress towards that goal.
Making this distinction is important because escalating physically is often not the best way to move closer to sex (it depends on the situation). It’s a useful component, but it’s not the only component, and it’s even possible to have sex with no prior physical escalation at all. The reason for this is that escalation is emotional. It’s not that you didn’t escalate at all -- you accomplished the same effect through non-physical means. The only reason to get physical with the girl is if it helps you later reach sex.
Escalation starts when you first meet, and you push closer to sex the whole time until you make it. This is a mix of vibing, building rapport and physical escalation, as appropriate. In principle, this is a smooth progression -- not a thing you suddenly start doing after 20 minutes chilling at the sex location. From start to finish you’re building an emotional connection that allows sex to take place.
What is Emotional Calibration?
Humans are emotional creatures, and our emotions affect the decisions we make. Escalating with a girl means leading her emotionally. The basic process of leading emotionally is:
How to Emotionally Calibrate
You must seek to understand what she’s feeling. You have to be able to understand what she’s feeling without her actually telling you, because not only can you not trust what she tells you to be accurate, but you can’t even trust her to understand her feelings herself. Girls often have no idea what they’re feeling or why they’re feeling it, so you have to be even better at understanding her than she is. Sounds impossible, but this just takes practice.
You don’t have to understand everything, but the more you can intuit, the easier life will be. You should be always working to understand the girl (intuitively, not necessarily by asking her questions). Understanding girls without them outright telling you anything is attractive in and of itself (you become a guy who “gets it"), but on top of that it’s how you understand what to do. When you get a very good sense for this, it’s like seeing the Matrix, and you can put things on autopilot and think about other things (like logistics). But until then, pay attention: how is she standing? What is her expression? What does her voice tone say? At any given time the girl will be giving off a million different signals that betray her inner feelings. As an exercise, you can try intuiting the mood and thoughts of girls you see. This skill will also improve your approach.
When it comes to escalation (and especially during LMR), the key thing to pay attention to is how comfortable she is. If you go too fast for her, she will shut down and you risk losing her. On the other hand, if she’s comfortable and you’re not pushing forward, she will start to think you’re weak and not capable of it.
So long as you’re actively seeking to intuit her emotional state, your judgement of it will improve with experience.
This guide is written from a "red pill" or PUA perspective, which is not necessarily the focus of this forum. If you have any questions about specifics or terminology, please do ask. I will try to hyperlink definitions as they appear. As the wise @Exutoire once said: think blackpill, act redpill, speak bluepill.
And, of course, this guide is written for those who want to geomax in Japan. Some of the principles may apply to other destinations, especially other East Asian countries, but not necessarily.
What is Escalation? (No, really)
The common way people think about escalation is that it’s physical. While physical escalation is the most recognizable form, thinking of it only in this way is in my opinion a limitation, because it makes it easy to forget that your connection with the girl is fundamentally emotional in nature -- not physical. Our goal with the girl may be physical (sex), but to get there it’s often more appropriate to think in terms of emotions than physicality.
If sex is the goal, then it makes sense to view escalation as progress towards that goal.
Escalation is progression towards sex.
Making this distinction is important because escalating physically is often not the best way to move closer to sex (it depends on the situation). It’s a useful component, but it’s not the only component, and it’s even possible to have sex with no prior physical escalation at all. The reason for this is that escalation is emotional. It’s not that you didn’t escalate at all -- you accomplished the same effect through non-physical means. The only reason to get physical with the girl is if it helps you later reach sex.
Escalation starts when you first meet, and you push closer to sex the whole time until you make it. This is a mix of vibing, building rapport and physical escalation, as appropriate. In principle, this is a smooth progression -- not a thing you suddenly start doing after 20 minutes chilling at the sex location. From start to finish you’re building an emotional connection that allows sex to take place.
What is Emotional Calibration?
Humans are emotional creatures, and our emotions affect the decisions we make. Escalating with a girl means leading her emotionally. The basic process of leading emotionally is:
- Understand her emotional state
- Share that emotional state with her
- Transition the emotional state together
How to Emotionally Calibrate
You must seek to understand what she’s feeling. You have to be able to understand what she’s feeling without her actually telling you, because not only can you not trust what she tells you to be accurate, but you can’t even trust her to understand her feelings herself. Girls often have no idea what they’re feeling or why they’re feeling it, so you have to be even better at understanding her than she is. Sounds impossible, but this just takes practice.
You don’t have to understand everything, but the more you can intuit, the easier life will be. You should be always working to understand the girl (intuitively, not necessarily by asking her questions). Understanding girls without them outright telling you anything is attractive in and of itself (you become a guy who “gets it"), but on top of that it’s how you understand what to do. When you get a very good sense for this, it’s like seeing the Matrix, and you can put things on autopilot and think about other things (like logistics). But until then, pay attention: how is she standing? What is her expression? What does her voice tone say? At any given time the girl will be giving off a million different signals that betray her inner feelings. As an exercise, you can try intuiting the mood and thoughts of girls you see. This skill will also improve your approach.
When it comes to escalation (and especially during LMR), the key thing to pay attention to is how comfortable she is. If you go too fast for her, she will shut down and you risk losing her. On the other hand, if she’s comfortable and you’re not pushing forward, she will start to think you’re weak and not capable of it.
So long as you’re actively seeking to intuit her emotional state, your judgement of it will improve with experience.
[Continued in Next Post]