JFL Purely evil man geomaxxes.

this guy isnt even bad. the only bad thing hes doing is brining these betabux cucks to sea from the attention he gets from these videos people made about him. a pina told me you can pay a girl like the one i just linked 200 dollars a month to be your gf and she will do anything for you.
this guy isnt even bad. the only bad thing hes doing is brining these betabux cucks to sea from the attention he gets from these videos people made about him. a pina told me you can pay a girl like the one i just linked 200 dollars a month to be your gf and she will do anything for you.
Fuck man, 200 bucks for a docile GF is lowkey banger.
this guy isnt even bad. the only bad thing hes doing is brining these betabux cucks to sea from the attention he gets from these videos people made about him. a pina told me you can pay a girl like the one i just linked 200 dollars a month to be your gf and she will do anything for you.
Where would you find such girl tho? Just walking the slums or wut?
Where would you find such girl tho? Just walking the slums or wut?
theyre every where even moms will try and sell you their daughters even pinoys will sell you their daughters. stuff like that is normal in their country. i saw a video of a 40 year old guy being talked to be a 35 year old pina and she wanted to sell him her 19 year old daughter.
theyre every where even moms will try and sell you their daughters even pinoys will sell you their daughters. stuff like that is normal in their country. i saw a video of a 40 year old guy being talked to be a 35 year old pina and she wanted to sell him her 19 year old daughter.
Hahaha, shits too easy.
Hahaha, shits too easy.
yea age cucking doesnt exist there. an old boomer cuck with a teen pina is even normal but thats an entirely paid betabux relationship. you dont need to do that you can get gfs for free because you are young and almost jbw maxed.
yea age cucking doesnt exist there. an old boomer cuck with a teen pina is even normal but thats an entirely paid betabux relationship. you dont need to do that you can get gfs for free because you are young and almost jbw maxed.
You sound knowledgeable. What would the ideal country be? (Preferably where people speak at least a lil bit of English)
yea but davao and general santos you will be a jbw god. this guys been to a lot of more rural places in the philippines to his name is regular guy.
How big of a death sentence is freckles? I would imagine them niggas wanting crystal clear skin.
How big of a death sentence is freckles? I would imagine them niggas wanting crystal clear skin.
not bad at all. look how in the video the kids and the entire village just follow him around and people just invite him in their house. thats how powerful jbw is there.
yea but davao and general santos you will be a jbw god. this guys been to a lot of more rural places in the philippines to his name is regular guy.
why do they all behave like dorks. I secretly think they are pedos. go ahead and fuck 16 and above. But don't act like your some mr rogers mother fucker, that is there because you give a fuck about their living conditions. The guy knows he can take advantage of these girls. And as long as they are okay with it. I am not going to white knight. But this guy is cringe.

and anyone noticing that kid playing with a fucking loaded 45 in the back ground trying to rack it LOL wtf
this girl is what as known as a spinner. I have a video of me fucking a type of girl like that, but i won't show it. I dont' think it's allowed on this forum
Post da video brah, just put a NSFW tag.

Ur the ultimate mogger.
this girl is what as known as a spinner. I have a video of me fucking a type of girl like that, but i won't show it. I dont' think it's allowed on this forum
ive came in short noodlewhore prostitutes to. never a pina that was like 4'10 though.
why do they all behave like dorks. I secretly think they are pedos. go ahead and fuck 16 and above. But don't act like your some mr rogers mother fucker, that is there because you give a fuck about their living conditions. The guy knows he can take advantage of these girls. And as long as they are okay with it. I am not going to white knight. But this guy is cringe.
It was indeed kinda odd how he flirted with the teens.

Pedo tourists give real geomaxxers a bad rep, and they're disgausstting.
It was indeed kinda odd how he flirted with the teens.

Pedo tourists give real geomaxxers a bad rep, and they're disgausstting.
im getting a teen pina and thats normal there. the legal age was 12 until the un cucks made them change it.
im getting a teen pina and thats normal there. the legal age was 12 until the un cucks made them change it.
16+ I think is fine (since SEA usually are low E, and late in development). Are you gon bring her back to the US or will you be staying and living like a king?
16+ I think is fine (since SEA usually are low E, and late in development). Are you gon bring her back to the US or will you be staying and living like a king?
they upped the age to 16. yea if i was there id get a 16-19 yearold pina. id be drunk with her fucking her taking her out all day. im going to go there next year. im thinking of giving by business up or maybe try bringing one here for 90 days and she can go home once her visa is up. the worst thing you can do is allow them to geomax to burger. they lose everything that makes them good. the good part is the philippines population is 120m so theres no shortage of teen pina whores.
It was indeed kinda odd how he flirted with the teens.

Pedo tourists give real geomaxxers a bad rep, and they're disgausstting.
hey in my country 16 is legal. so the way i see it. i will fuck 16 and above. Long as she's down. Fuck it.

but no virgins. I am NOT going to do that. That's for the girl to choose someone she loves for that. I would never do that.
hey in my country 16 is legal. so the way i see it. i will fuck 16 and above. Long as she's down. Fuck it.

but no virgins. I am NOT going to do that. That's for the girl to choose someone she loves for that. I would never do that.
A woman is fully developed at 16, so that ain't nothin wrong.

It's more pedophilic to fuck a 30yo with no fertility cues, than a 15yo that looks fertile (I believe the Jews call it ephebophilia jfl).
A woman is fully developed at 16, so that ain't nothin wrong.

It's more pedophilic to fuck a 30yo with no fertility cues, than a 15yo that looks fertile (I believe the Jews call it ephebophilia jfl).
i wont lie. in germany its 14. And if im in a mall or someplace and some 14 year old wants to bang. FUCK YA.....why the fuck not
but im not specifically looking for it because
my experience even with 16 year olds. Some are very inexperienced and the sex sucks.

my pref is 19 to 20. That's the ideal jam. Hasn't been ridden like the town bicycle, but had enough experience that you aren't having shitty sex.

and old enough that i can go to a water park and restaurants and shit with her, and although roasties seethe, no one gives a fuck.
i wont lie. in germany its 14. And if im in a mall or someplace and some 14 year old wants to bang. FUCK YA.....why the fuck not
but im not specifically looking for it because
my experience even with 16 year olds. Some are very inexperienced and the sex sucks.

my pref is 19 to 20. That's the ideal jam. Hasn't been ridden like the town bicycle, but had enough experience that you aren't having shitty sex.

and old enough that i can go to a water park and restaurants and shit with her, and although roasties seethe, no one gives a fuck.
Yeah, some 14yo's look like grown ass women, it's just very stigmatic for sum reason.
I agree with the ideal age range kinda, I also prefer women with sum experience (and also the restaurant bit).
16+ I think is fine (since SEA usually are low E, and late in development). Are you gon bring her back to the US or will you be staying and living like a king?
never bring the girl from the 3rd world back to the 1st world. Unless you want to lose her.

lets face it. with feminism the way it is in the west. Any girl you meet in SEA will be way above your in looks. You bring her back to the west. She has no competition for your attention. She will eventually leave you

keep her in the 3rd world, where she will behave. because if she doesn't you simply get another girl of equal or better value, the next day

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