PSA for boyos here, please dont fall for the gynocentric blackpill


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
I feel like users here are not as unhinged as .org and .is so imma give it to you niggers straight. If you are young boyo please dont fall for the gynocentric blackpill . What I mean by this is if you find yourself watching chad worship tiktoks, constantly wanting female validation, and considering hard looksmaxxing over geomaxxing then pleas stop IMMEDIATELY. The people who push these things like Wheat Waffles and Tails are scheisters and want incels to hate themselves more and find no solutions to their predicaments and get them stuck looksmaxxing and buying their face ratings. Soft looksmaxx to the best of your ability, save money, and then geomaxx. Alternatively I would suggest escortcelling and whoremaxxing like me but I know its not for every boyo and when you are young you want female validaiton. But as an older fag I will say that there is nothing to fill the hole of being a sub5 man or just being a fucking man in today's society. Stop fucking comparing yourself to chad. At the end of the day 99% of men historically have been tricks and johns through marriage and leveraging resources (even elites) and today 80 to 90% of men do so either through jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, or being an oofy doofy that is used and abused. Anyway sorry for the cringe diary post but as someone who has wasted alot of years rotting on PSL forums I will say drop that shit immediately and focus on getting life affirming moments and experienecs in your youth before its too late (s/o looksmaximus)
i quit every bp incel forum and board, even if youre just trolling and laughing at them you read all this shit and its poisoning your subconsiousness
just stop consuming this trash for defetist zoomers
I feel like users here are not as unhinged as .org and .is so imma give it to you niggers straight. If you are young boyo please dont fall for the gynocentric blackpill . What I mean by this is if you find yourself watching chad worship tiktoks, constantly wanting female validation, and considering hard looksmaxxing over geomaxxing then pleas stop IMMEDIATELY. The people who push these things like Wheat Waffles and Tails are scheisters and want incels to hate themselves more and find no solutions to their predicaments and get them stuck looksmaxxing and buying their face ratings. Soft looksmaxx to the best of your ability, save money, and then geomaxx. Alternatively I would suggest escortcelling and whoremaxxing like me but I know its not for every boyo and when you are young you want female validaiton. But as an older fag I will say that there is nothing to fill the hole of being a sub5 man or just being a fucking man in today's society. Stop fucking comparing yourself to chad. At the end of the day 99% of men historically have been tricks and johns through marriage and leveraging resources (even elites) and today 80 to 90% of men do so either through jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, or being an oofy doofy that is used and abused. Anyway sorry for the cringe diary post but as someone who has wasted alot of years rotting on PSL forums I will say drop that shit immediately and focus on getting life affirming moments and experienecs in your youth before its too late (s/o looksmaximus)
based and followed; gynocentrism is trully a plague upon the world boyos
based and followed; gynocentrism is trully a plague upon the world boyos
They would rather get Double LL for a roastie which is at minimum 60k in slums of mumbai or pay 250k for a Jew one if you want to walk again. Also its funny how these jestermaxxing surgeries are a religion for NEET indians who barely get $1 a day from their mum
They would rather get Double LL for a roastie which is at minimum 60k in slums of mumbai or pay 250k for a Jew one if you want to walk again. Also its funny how these jestermaxxing surgeries are a religion for NEET indians who barely get $1 a day from their mum
super on point; followed bro; thanks
They would rather get Double LL for a roastie which is at minimum 60k in slums of mumbai or pay 250k for a Jew one if you want to walk again
imagine spending 100k for a Canadian/ usa 7/10= an eastern european 4/10 as Tate said (he was correct, im from EE 😁 ) when a plane ticket is 500$ or even less lmao
how low iq can you be?
these ppl cant be more than 85 IQ 😁

I have a successful thread on .org about the futility of LL btw haha
imagine spending 100k for a Canadian/ usa 7/10= an eastern european 4/10 as Tate said (he was correct, im from EE 😁 ) when a plane ticket is 500$ or even less lmao
how low iq can you be?
these ppl cant be more than 85 IQ 😁

I have a successful thread on .org about the futility of LL btw haha
What were the replies?
What were the replies?
half and half - a lot of good replies on my side, but it was positive overall...the pro LL people werent that hostile lmao
the point i was making is i dont trust this new procedure that it wont leave you in a wheelchair at 45-50 + ability to squat/ do sports successfuly afterwards

better people upgrade their body and move overseas , even if sub optimal height, than risk huge problems for 3 inches in height...that was my message and i dont see how i could ever be wrong on this lol
imagine spending 100k for a Canadian/ usa 7/10= an eastern european 4/10 as Tate said (he was correct, im from EE 😁 ) when a plane ticket is 500$ or even less lmao
how low iq can you be?
these ppl cant be more than 85 IQ 😁

I have a successful thread on .org about the futility of LL btw haha
Deathnics paying to go from Never Began height to Its Over height
IMG 0586IMG 0587
half and half - a lot of good replies on my side, but it was positive overall...the pro LL people werent that hostile lmao
the point i was making is i dont trust this new procedure that it wont leave you in a wheelchair at 45-50 + ability to squat/ do sports successfuly afterwards

better people upgrade their body and move overseas , even if sub optimal height, than risk huge problems for 3 inches in height...that was my message and i dont see how i could ever be wrong on this lol
Yeah everything is so cucked nowadays, your grandfather didnt do shit for pussy, now we have guys roiding and paying for double LL for just a LTB
Yeah everything is so cucked nowadays, your grandfather didnt so shit for pussy, now we have guys roiding and paying for double LL for just a LTB
true.....our grandparents DIDNT EVEN KNOW there is a world outside their state/ country(in the practical sense) .....thats why its too late for anything remotely traditional lmao...thats why my signature is as it is
true.....our grandparents DIDNT EVEN KNOW there is a world outside their state/ country(in the practical sense) .....thats why its too late for anything remotely traditional lmao...thats why my signature is as it is
Just how it is, some are gifted and some are cursed, I just want to forget all this autism, who is the HEIGHTMOGGER BRO

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