pic of me geomaxing in greece

@MACHETE wheres a pic of u with some girls

All I see is screenshots of ur chats with girls you'll never meet from ur basement

Pics with girls? Where are your pics fucking them LOL
View attachment xd.mp4
View attachment Video de WhatsApp 2024-02-01 a las 10.36.00_8baa0d86.mp4some JB from (she is taller than you btw 1.72)
@MACHETE wheres a pic of u with some girls

All I see is screenshots of ur chats with girls you'll never meet from ur basement
Ez french whore btw
is your left cheekbone bigger than the right i have almost the same pheno as you just longer midface
all I see is a fucking devastating shinbone mog and some smiling wide-nosed loser who clearly peed his pants, legit bro your nose is wider than mine, or maybe it's your head that is just small, regardless you nasal passage volume mog most blacks

yes 2 average or below white girls are kissing you but look at their body language, their hips are so far away they are avoiding touching you with the most erotic parts of their bodies, your arms are awkwardly positioned since they are leaning in only with their necks and faces avoiding getting too close and that one girl is hunched over like Quasimodo just to get low enough to match facial position with you, the one girl has her hand up defensively pushing away from you to prevent you from getting to close and her head and neck are on overtime giraffing over to give you a peck

both of their off hands are curled awkwardly in recoil to make sure under no circumstance do they touch your leg, as that may signal to watchers they have an intimate possible sexual relationship with you which they DO NOT WANT, the hip space, and the off hands tell the entire tale here

both have witch phenotypes btw and one girl is wearing a fucking Canada shirt in fucking Europe like holy hell does she clearly have low standards

again that fucking shinbone size mog and really it's the whole legmog
all I see is a fucking devastating shinbone mog and some smiling wide-nosed loser who clearly peed his pants, legit bro your nose is wider than mine, or maybe it's your head that is just small, regardless you nasal passage volume mog most blacks

yes 2 average or below white girls are kissing you but look at their body language, their hips are so far away they are avoiding touching you with the most erotic parts of their bodies, your arms are awkwardly positioned since they are leaning in only with their necks and faces avoiding getting too close and that one girl is hunched over like Quasimodo just to get low enough to match facial position with you, the one girl has her hand up defensively pushing away from you to prevent you from getting to close and her head and neck are on overtime giraffing over to give you a peck

both of their off hands are curled awkwardly in recoil to make sure under no circumstance do they touch your leg, as that may signal to watchers they have an intimate possible sexual relationship with you which they DO NOT WANT, the hip space, and the off hands tell the entire tale here

both have witch phenotypes btw and one girl is wearing a fucking Canada shirt in fucking Europe like holy hell does she clearly have low standards

again that fucking shinbone size mog and really it's the whole legmog
High IQ

just look at them, its the kind of kiss they give to gay friendz
all I see is a fucking devastating shinbone mog and some smiling wide-nosed loser who clearly peed his pants, legit bro your nose is wider than mine, or maybe it's your head that is just small, regardless you nasal passage volume mog most blacks

yes 2 average or below white girls are kissing you but look at their body language, their hips are so far away they are avoiding touching you with the most erotic parts of their bodies, your arms are awkwardly positioned since they are leaning in only with their necks and faces avoiding getting too close and that one girl is hunched over like Quasimodo just to get low enough to match facial position with you, the one girl has her hand up defensively pushing away from you to prevent you from getting to close and her head and neck are on overtime giraffing over to give you a peck

both of their off hands are curled awkwardly in recoil to make sure under no circumstance do they touch your leg, as that may signal to watchers they have an intimate possible sexual relationship with you which they DO NOT WANT, the hip space, and the off hands tell the entire tale here

both have witch phenotypes btw and one girl is wearing a fucking Canada shirt in fucking Europe like holy hell does she clearly have low standards

again that fucking shinbone size mog and really it's the whole legmog
u a grown ahh man typing a whole essay about another mans picture 😂 u considered killing yourself?
u a grown ahh man typing a whole essay about another mans picture 😂 u considered killing yourself?
an alleged grown man typing like he is on instagram or tiktok

generally if you're going to reveal your socioeconomic status it's best not to do so if the answer is "low" but inevitably it's usually lower class advertising, and most proudly so I must say, that they are such

I know the amount of millionaires and future millionaires who type like you and the answer is very low, but hey inflation is getting pretty crazy so maybe one day when you have the equivalent net worth of $100,000 in 2006 you can claim your technically a millionaire, but at that point the average truck will also cost 1Mil

good luck in life
an alleged grown man typing like he is on instagram or tiktok

generally if you're going to reveal your socioeconomic status it's best not to do so if the answer is "low" but inevitably it's usually lower class advertising, and most proudly so I must say, that they are such

I know the amount of millionaires and future millionaires who type like you and the answer is very low, but hey inflation is getting pretty crazy so maybe one day when you have the equivalent net worth of $100,000 in 2006 you can claim your technically a millionaire, but at that point the average truck will also cost 1Mil

good luck in life
i wont lie, i aint reading allat 😂

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