pearl harbor was an inside job

Yea the chief dude was aware ahead of time and purposefully ignored it to give america an in to the war. Can’t remember where I read it…
Yea the chief dude was aware ahead of time and purposefully ignored it to give america an in to the war. Can’t remember where I read it…
There’s a couple books on it but the most prominent proponent of that theory is John T. Flynn.

Polling prior to the war showed that 80% of Americans did not support entering the war, so FDR had to provoke Germany and Japan until one of them attacked American military assets.

Funnily enough a similar amount of Americans polled at the time (80-90%) said they would rather lose the war than give full civil equality to Blacks.
9/11 was fake, Titanic was Fake, 2012 Olympics, JFK Shooting, the Moon landing, the TITAN submarine incident, 2020 COVID, COVID Vaccine its all gay larps, all gay deathnic larps all this shit world is

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