JFL passport bro gets drugged on camera by colombian whores

why doens't this fag since he can speak spanish, call the police while he's inside. Put the beer glass somewhere, where no one will touch it inside. Hidden from the girls, Get a new beer glass. empty, and Wait for the police to show, while sitting with the girls.

Then show the video to the police, and get the roofied beer glass. Challenge the girls when they say it's not spiked, to drink the whole fucking beer and wait 30 minutes to see if that small chick can take the same dosage. and then have these scummy girls arrested. INSTEAD this cock gobbler, allows these women to prrey on someone else that night. Guy deserves a punch in the face.
why doens't this fag since he can speak spanish, call the police while he's inside. Put the beer glass somewhere, where no one will touch it inside. Hidden from the girls, Get a new beer glass. empty, and Wait for the police to show, while sitting with the girls.

Then show the video to the police, and get the roofied beer glass. Challenge the girls when they say it's not spiked, to drink the whole fucking beer and wait 30 minutes to see if that small chick can take the same dosage. and then have these scummy girls arrested. INSTEAD this cock gobbler, allows these women to prrey on someone else that night. Guy deserves a punch in the face.
lol at you thinking cops in colombia would be asked to do all of that
Passport faggots need to fuck off already they’re ruining shit for everyone. Go back to raising sharkeesha and Ray rays kids jfl
not sure how this guy on video is a passport bro. he speaks spanish. But he's dumb. I would have killed those bitches. You know it gets worse in columbia. they have a drug that grows natively. It's a powder that all it has to do is be blown in your face. And redosed every 12 hours. And you blank out. And are totally under their suggestion> so they make you empty your bank accounts. And you do so willingly.

devils something. I cannot remember. But it's fucking scary. I avoid columbia just for that reason. There is lotsa hot pussy in other places, without the risk of being drugged and murdered or your money stolen.

fuck columbia.
not sure how this guy on video is a passport bro. he speaks spanish. But he's dumb. I would have killed those bitches. You know it gets worse in columbia. they have a drug that grows natively. It's a powder that all it has to do is be blown in your face. And redosed every 12 hours. And you blank out. And are totally under their suggestion> so they make you empty your bank accounts. And you do so willingly.

devils something. I cannot remember. But it's fucking scary. I avoid columbia just for that reason. There is lotsa hot pussy in other places, without the risk of being drugged and murdered or your money stolen.

fuck columbia.
Yeah some dude invited me to go with him down there. Knows no Spanish, wants to go to the most high crime degen coomer spot (medellin). Mentions "passport bros" to me and sends me an IG of some whore in Medellin. He thought gringo meant foreigner, not white JFL. I asked some other guy who's been there about it and he was like "dude avoid that shit, stay on the coast or go to bogota"

I'm inclined to agree there's no way Medellin is that much better than Bogota or Cartagena
Yeah some dude invited me to go with him down there. Knows no Spanish, wants to go to the most high crime degen coomer spot (medellin). Mentions "passport bros" to me and sends me an IG of some whore in Medellin. He thought gringo meant foreigner, not white JFL. I asked some other guy who's been there about it and he was like "dude avoid that shit, stay on the coast or go to bogota"

I'm inclined to agree there's no way Medellin is that much better than Bogota or Cartagena
Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath", that's what it's called.

Ya man, dont' risk your life for pussy. Unless your married to it. Type that devils breath in youtube and you will see how dangerous that shit is. it literally just needs to be blown in your face. And that' that. you are now a controllable puppet. one dude was under control for a day and a half, but once they got ALL of his money, they could have killed him (he was lucky they didn't. because personally i would have killed the guy. No witness harder to prosecute you right?!) he woke up in a room, no idea how he got there. then he realized he was drugged. and then all the shit started to happen to him. Finds out bank account is blanked (and think about it, you cannot get your money back from the bank YOU TOOK YOUR OWN MONEY OUT). it's not skimming where they will give you, your money back.

ya, he got fucked big time. Columbia...hard pass
Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath", that's what it's called.

Ya man, dont' risk your life for pussy. Unless your married to it. Type that devils breath in youtube and you will see how dangerous that shit is. it literally just needs to be blown in your face. And that' that. you are now a controllable puppet. one dude was under control for a day and a half, but once they got ALL of his money, they could have killed him (he was lucky they didn't. because personally i would have killed the guy. No witness harder to prosecute you right?!) he woke up in a room, no idea how he got there. then he realized he was drugged. and then all the shit started to happen to him. Finds out bank account is blanked (and think about it, you cannot get your money back from the bank YOU TOOK YOUR OWN MONEY OUT). it's not skimming where they will give you, your money back.

ya, he got fucked big time. Columbia...hard pass
I would try Argentina

Gotta go to temporarily embarrassed nice countries

I will probably geomaxx to LATAM or the Caribbean instead of SEA.

I don't think instances like these are too common if you're precautious.

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