Napoleon de Geso
kemono friend from hopeless shithole
When Facebook's kike suckerburger increased oppression against free speech, our local degenerates, in leadership of kike rabinovich (nickname, but he has jewish ancestry)
used it in fight against "vatniks", for being what according to their rotting radical brains was not necessary to be real lover and supporter of Russia and USSR (what I am not), but enough just to be hater/opponent of West, USA, and NATO. In that way I also was declared as being "vatnik", and became target of their coordinated attacks against me, by reporting all my fag jokes and misogynistic posts I did in years spent in Facebook when it still had more free speech, what resulted in me last years in FB spending under constant 30 days blocks, until permaban in "witch hunt" when Trump's presidency ended.
While FB provided no great achievements in search of kemonowaifus, that still gave no moral right to those degenerates interrupt it, and what's even more disgusting - for that despicable activity, named as "fight against hostile propaganda", leader of degenerates rabinovich was awarded with "Medal of the Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania" personally by "president" of lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
This shithole has no worth and no honor
used it in fight against "vatniks", for being what according to their rotting radical brains was not necessary to be real lover and supporter of Russia and USSR (what I am not), but enough just to be hater/opponent of West, USA, and NATO. In that way I also was declared as being "vatnik", and became target of their coordinated attacks against me, by reporting all my fag jokes and misogynistic posts I did in years spent in Facebook when it still had more free speech, what resulted in me last years in FB spending under constant 30 days blocks, until permaban in "witch hunt" when Trump's presidency ended.
While FB provided no great achievements in search of kemonowaifus, that still gave no moral right to those degenerates interrupt it, and what's even more disgusting - for that despicable activity, named as "fight against hostile propaganda", leader of degenerates rabinovich was awarded with "Medal of the Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania" personally by "president" of lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
This shithole has no worth and no honor