nobody here travels


INTP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
it’s just me

and the few that do, aren’t traveling rn, so just reminisce on their past travels

i’m the only one outside!

i’m hungry af. bout to go eat at a burger resturaunt. wherever i take my business, its good for them as im the only foreigner in the city

random pics from china
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the lovely oriental girl i met last night gave me much needed information about china

i’ve added my findings to my thesis research

you been? i’m moving here in a couple months
ive been but didnt stay there, just 2 days layover
it reminds me of xiamen, i lived with a girl there for 2 weeks in her apartment, looked exactly like this, apartment buildings and bars on floor level i mean it looks exactly like place i was

i think they build everything same way
thing to dig into - how is this possible buying a property is so expensive in china while rent for chinese people through their wechat mini apps could be as low as 300-400 usd a month in big city (except shanghai etc)
thing to dig into - how is this possible buying a property is so expensive in china while rent for chinese people through their wechat mini apps could be as low as 300-400 usd a month in big city (except shanghai etc)
My very basic understanding is because real estate is the only way to invest money for the average citizen
most of the international stock market is not available, there's capital controls, and even their domestic stock market gets rugged whenever the CCP wants, they destroy entire industries with 1 new law, take over companies and jail CEOs if you go against the regime
crypto is also forbidden

so what can you invest in? it's either you open your own business or buy real estate
I just wrapped up my American travels last Monday. Five hundred low-quality pics of Michigan nature, whoop de doo.
IMG 20240730 082316This child propaganda poster in a park in the middle of bumfuck nowhere northern Michigan made me mad tho. These kikes and their minions want nothing more than to import floods of African niggers into the last tranquil refuges of White America.
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my trust fund check for september is gonna be increased, so expect me to ball out for the month!
lucky fuck
thing to dig into - how is this possible buying a property is so expensive in china while rent for chinese people through their wechat mini apps could be as low as 300-400 usd a month in big city (except shanghai etc)
hmm, maybe rent-gouging the least privileged classes is straight-up kikery and not an inevitable result of rising wages for the working classes? house gets older, landlord already recouped his investment, but the rent still goes higher because LE MARKET FORCES...yeah whatever, Jew

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