muh filipina girls are trad

fuck going outside when i can

order food to my room

order tinder girls to my room

what else is there to do. i’m surrounded by slums even though i’m supposedly in the rich part of the city

went to 7/11 today in flip flops and height mogged everyone
just checked my phone after being busy and see these hoes texting me at 2am lol i wonder what they could want
IMG 9167

heading back to my apartment passing thru slums and there’s so many people on the streets do they not have work or school? ik it’s friday but it ranges from 2 year old babies and up

wtf are they doing? there’s nothing to do here
old girl think ima drink alchohol with her ahahahhaha

must be a honeypot trying to mcafee my ass
IMG 9171
plus her bio says enfj and i’m intp so we wouldn’t be a good fit

my favorite girl i’ve met a few days ago is infj

i googled it and i’m a perfect match with them @kamster plus she likes to learn about history so i can tell her the true history of the world
i'd rather die than go to club
clubs aren’t bad when in introverted countries like japan and hong kong cuz everyone is less outgoing so it’s easier to be in charge of the room

but in philippines everyone here is too extroverted
dating apps sucks for me in china i have like 10-20 matches after day of swiping, but every girl that responded wanted to hang out immediately which sucks ass because im still in europe
today after reactivating my dating apps i got more matches from old swipes in thailand than in china

not great
just checked my phone after being busy and see these hoes texting me at 2am lol i wonder what they could want
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heading back to my apartment passing thru slums and there’s so many people on the streets do they not have work or school? ik it’s friday but it ranges from 2 year old babies and up

wtf are they doing? there’s nothing to do here
sab has potential. big naturals and doesnt look fat. but u are homo so udc
you arent black you are a NIGGER larping as jbw. did they ever say obama was jbw? you are just as jbw as him. a full NIGGER
don’t care show me your dna results

i’m more anglo than you spic
fuck going outside when i can

order food to my room

order tinder girls to my room

what else is there to do. i’m surrounded by slums even though i’m supposedly in the rich part of the city

went to 7/11 today in flip flops and height mogged everyone
But you go outside every day?
bro if a girl fuck 1 FWB 1,000 times that is 1 body

NGL in the dating market today that much commitment to not being a used up thot and sticking to 1 guy would legit be impressive compared to most of these whores, if a girl told you she had a single FWB for 8 years and is 24 I would even consider she may be higher value than a 24 year old virgin since there is def something mentally wrong with being a fucking 24 virgin as a girl

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