maybe chengdu isn’t such a good place to live afterall


INTP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022

a double triple
IMG 8983
100+ aqi

100+ temperature

i’ve been monitoring weather and aqi in chinese cities i’ve liked and it’s so hot in chengdu rn. guangzhou has had the best weather so far
yea whatever mate

use your made up system while we blow up your oil pipelines and you do nothing about it ahhahahahaha

🇺🇸 🦅
celsius is the most practical unit for everyday life, 0° for freezing water, 100° for boiling water.

kelvin makes most sense for science because 0° is absolute zero.

fahrenheit is just random and outdated.
celsius is the most practical unit for everyday life, 0° for freezing water, 100° for boiling water.

kelvin makes most sense for science because 0° is absolute zero.

fahrenheit is just random and outdated.
yea sure, it is

but you europoors have bigger problems to worry about, like how you’re all vassal states to america
use your made up system while we blow up your oil pipelines and you do nothing about it ahhahahahaha
good that the pipelines are blown up, whoever it was. it was a retarded idea anyway to get 50% of the energy delivered by russia and be so dependent on that.
my xiamen girl told me chengdu is gay monkey hiv ridden pile of garbage with spicy food and cute pandas
celsius is the most practical unit for everyday life, 0° for freezing water, 100° for boiling water.

kelvin makes most sense for science because 0° is absolute zero.

fahrenheit is just random and outdated.
The 0 to 100 Fahrenheit scale is designed to measure temps in terms of white people comfort. 0 being intolerably cold even for white people, 100 being intolerably hot (above body temperature, radiative cooling no longer possible). It's a very sensible temp scale.

Temps above 50 on the Celsius scale are hardly even used IRL. "It feels like a hundred degrees outside" instantly evokes a feeling of sweltering that "wow, it's almost 40 out" doesn't evoke.

Water only boils at 100 C at sea level. Where I live, water boils at 200 F.
The 0 to 100 Fahrenheit scale is designed to measure temps in terms of white people comfort. 0 being intolerably cold even for white people, 100 being intolerably hot (above body temperature, radiative cooling no longer possible). It's a very sensible temp scale.

Temps above 50 on the Celsius scale are hardly even used IRL. "It feels like a hundred degrees outside" instantly evokes a feeling of sweltering that "wow, it's almost 40 out" doesn't evoke.

Water only boils at 100 C at sea level. Where I live, water boils at 200 F.
Interesting perspective. Makes sense.

I guess you have that 100 sweltering feeling because you are american. To us in northern europe the 40 evokes about the same i would say. Most countries have their 30+ days but when hits 40 somewhere people go like "woow climate change".

And we use the 50-100 °C for the sauna. 😉

The Fahrenheit zero still seems a bit random. Why exactly put the zero at -17°C? Doesn't really make such a difference to -10 or -20. But the celsius zero really feels different. For me personally that's the point where it becomes uncomfortable. When you can feel how the air is trying to freeze your face. When the rain freezes and the streets become slippery. That's the point where i wanna leave the country. Lower temps basically feel the same as -1°C, your body just cools out faster.

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