Lower standards; Incel trait is expecting everything handed over to you


Well-known Member
Nov 16, 2023
It seems many believe the world owes them something, but in truth, it owes us nothing. Complaining without seeking solutions is something I struggle with when reading posts.

I've been reflecting on the challenges faced by female truecels who may feel they have no options. While some may focus on improving their appearance, I wonder if that truly matters. I'm starting to think that, for many women, emotional connections and financial stability hold more weight than mere physical attractiveness.

The rise of lookism appears to stem from excessive comfort and an unwillingness to adapt due to this new technological revolution. There's a growing trend of fixating on complaints rather than exploring constructive ways to address issues. Culminating in man-baby's crying on Incel forums.

If you are handed the lower end of things adapt or just suicide at this point.
agree with this but the wrong cpu combined with this logic leads to wrong results, like with muh hard work hamza cultists and hard looksmaxxing. Know your limitations, and find ways to live the best life possible for yourself. simple as.
There's a difference between critique and complaint. Criticism is useful information, even if it is based on a specific personal experience. For example, I fell for the stupidest con game in the Philippines, because the guy who conned me was about 65 years old, and I trusted him because he was an elder. Even after I discovered the theft, I couldn't get physical with him because he simply ignored my accusations and presented no threat whatsoever. And it was my fault for allowing him to "inspect" my wallet's design. This taught me that Filipinos gain your trust before they take advantage of you; they don't go for coercion or violence like Latinos do, but their initial appearance of upstanding friendliness is a sham. This is a critique of the Filipino culture, whose worst aspects are manifested in Angeles City.

Complaining is what overgrown manchildren do when things don't go their way, forgetting that mommy isn't there to hush them up and hold them. "I hate the flips, they are such thieving scammers, this country sucks, I didn't even get laid, travel is a waste, the girls don't look at me, I'm so depressed". Complaining is completely worthless, and complainers should shut the fuck up and exercise some self-discipline.

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