Looksmaxxing is more a confidence booster than anything. If you find a certain look draws the eyes of women to you, you will feel more positive and therefore have more success. White girls in America, for instance, are repelled by my scruffy facial hair. When bearded, younger women always look away and show no signs of friendliness, and even perceive me as a threat. This is only compounded when I rake my hair back greaser style and reveal a very high forehead, and walk about with a scowl because I am getting no positive feedback.
But when I was wandering around New England in my van a couple years ago, I started combing the hair down over my forehead for practical reasons...specifically, to keep it neat without daily morning showers...and then decided to go clean-shaven. Suddenly I started getting all kinds of positive reactions from young women, which coupled with the onset of summer and all the cute little outfits they wore, served to greatly boost my mood. But then I started sneaking frontal photo shots of cuties on the beach and on the streets of vacation towns, which short-circuited my desire to actually talk to them and pursue a hookup or something similar...and also put off a predatory vibe that made everyone quite suspicious of me. Before I knew it, I had blown out what little energy I had and was back to living in uninterested celibacy.
It's a fundamental rule of life: women are always repelled by unhappy or insecure men, unless they want to save you or mother you. Which usually means they expect dog-like submissive devotion after they "rescue" you from your miserable solitude. If looksmaxxing will help you feel like you are actually making effort toward a goal instead of merely moping and hoping, go for it, and do it for yourself, not for the bitches. Striving to look your best should be merely one of many self-improovement goals you should have, not a life goal in and of itself.