Looksmax is down

yeah goyim go looksmax! go wagecuck for years to get obscure surgery to have a chance with used up roastie while gl normie's been slaying them since 14yo and niggers who arrived to your countries on banana boats cuck u all the time with everything

Wagecucking is alright if you study Physics and want to get a Master's in in it. Like for real I enjoy what I study. It's a pleasurable experience for me.
Low Iq-ed incel, you will never understand pursuing something you are truly passionate about and thoroughly enjoy doing.

I wake up everyday happy eager to start my day doing what I truly love.
Either you are a normie or you overdozed on copium
yeah goyim go looksmax! go wagecuck for years to get obscure surgery to have a chance with used up roastie while gl normie's been slaying them since 14yo and niggers who arrived to your countries on banana boats cuck u all the time with everything
This is true and all, but doesn’t excuse the fact im a ugly boneless pos, cant win in life

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