just realized tomorrow is thanksgiving

that shit is for NIGGER lovers. i wont be doing shit on these cucked days.
fuck families
i’m a grown man

i’ll start my own family with a filipina monkey if i so desire

until then i’ll continue my odyssey around the world

myanmar, taiwan, and brunei left until i’ve been to every country in east / southeast asia

i look most forward towards myanmar. when i set tinder there i matched with so many chinese passing orientals
i’m a grown man

i’ll start my own family with a filipina monkey if i so desire

until then i’ll continue my odyssey around the world

myanmar, taiwan, and brunei left until i’ve been to every country in east / southeast asia

i look most forward towards myanmar. when i set tinder there i matched with so many chinese passing orientals
the burmese warzone girls are so hot. i love poor sub sea monkeys

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