just realized i entered season 3 of geomaxxing this year

NYE 2024: Khon Kaen, Thailand (second winter overseas)
NYE 2023: Hermosillo, Mexico (overland with van, import permit denied)
NYE 2022: Melchor Muzquiz, Mexico (overland with van, import permit approved)
NYE 2021: Popayan, Colombia (first winter overseas)

Wandering the American West for half a decade prior to geomaxxing has made me indifferent to scenery, beaches and other toorist attractions. All I want is to live a civilized & simple life without having to paypig for the Jew. Since arriving in SEA November 7th, I have withdrawn only $2200 of the $14500 designated for this travel season, well below expectations.


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NYE 2024: Khon Kaen, Thailand (second winter overseas)
NYE 2023: Hermosillo, Mexico (overland with van, import permit denied)
NYE 2022: Melchor Muzquiz, Mexico (overland with van, import permit approved)
NYE 2021: Popayan, Colombia (first winter overseas)

Wandering the American West for half a decade prior to geomaxxing has made me indifferent to scenery, beaches and other toorist attractions. All I want is to live a civilized & simple life without having to paypig for the Jew. Since arriving in SEA November 7th, I have withdrawn only $2200 of the $14500 designated for this travel season, well below expectations.

what do you do for work?

ever plan to relocate permanently overseas?

what do you do for work?

ever plan to relocate permanently overseas?
I mow grass and eat ass. Primarily the former. Work & living setup is geomaxxed in its way, but I am trying to make myself unneeded during the summer months in order to split my work season and be free June through mid August as well as the usual November through March. Working six or seven months straight is too much money to spend in a year.

TBH at this point I am considering repatriation to Poland; my grandpa took his family to America only 75 years ago. Hoping to spend some weeks there next summer, see if I fit in with my fellow Polacks. If not, might as well keep moving...at a snail's pace. Not like your rabbit-hopping travel style, 21 countries in three years JFL
You passive income maxxed or do you just work most of the year then head out?

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