It’s Not for Whites


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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what i’ve noticed by traveling the world and especially to the capital city of my country, it is white men who are struggling the most in the dating scene. In this society being a white male is synonymous with evilness. The status level of the atomised white male is lower than that of a dog. I had NO idea things were this bad but it makes sense. After all, Jews and leftists run the West and they both despise masculine Chad white men. I see so many chadlites on bicycles without a woman with them. Asian males, from what I'm seeing, are doing the best, especially with white females in terms of IRL relationship. Blacks place second. The sub 6 black/mixed guy is struggling almost as much as white men. An asian male can be 5'0" and still have a woman by his side. Whereas, tall average looking white men who are as hung as a horse are alone. JBW is a myth pepetualated by anti whites
leftists run the West
Leftists don't run the west. You don't know what you're talking about. The only leftist countries on earth are the Laos, The DPRK, China, Cuba, Venezuela. I didn't include Vietnam, because their people are extremely greedy, but they technically belong in that list. China is the most powerful leftist country on earth. They're still a leftist country despite all of the greedy bullshit they're doing right now. Deng Xiaoping fucked that country up with his reactionary policies, but Xi Jingping is a true communist. China is scheduled to transition to a dictatorship of the proletariat in the 2030's.
This forum is so cringe. It's full of white supremacists who on the one hand are anti immigration to the West, while on the other hand they feel entitled to immigrate to Asia. I’ll fuck your bitch LTN
take a deep breath, grass is green, sun is yellow, grass is green... your time for sex will come, im not sure if before or after u become mtf sissy cumdumpster though hehe
what i’ve noticed by traveling the world and especially to the capital city of my country, it is white men who are struggling the most in the dating scene. In this society being a white male is synonymous with evilness. The status level of the atomised white male is lower than that of a dog. I had NO idea things were this bad but it makes sense. After all, Jews and leftists run the West and they both despise masculine Chad white men. I see so many chadlites on bicycles without a woman with them. Asian males, from what I'm seeing, are doing the best, especially with white females in terms of IRL relationship. Blacks place second. The sub 6 black/mixed guy is struggling almost as much as white men. An asian male can be 5'0" and still have a woman by his side. Whereas, tall average looking white men who are as hung as a horse are alone. JBW is a myth pepetualated by anti whites
hi quant
take a deep breath, grass is green, sun is yellow, grass is green... your time for sex will come, im not sure if before or after u become mtf sissy cumdumpster though hehe
What the fuck are you chatting, old fool?

I have objectively refuted you all in every debate we've had. I am intellectually superior to all of you. I've even showed my weakness and I still triumph over you peasants
Chud status.
Chad white men. I see so many chadlites on bicycles without a woman with them.
Idk why but this sounds so retarded, laughed irl. 'Chadlites on bikes without women.'
You know almost all bicycles have only 1 small seat, right?
An asian male can be 5'0" and still have a woman by his side. Whereas, tall average looking white men who are as hung as a horse are alone. JBW is a myth pepetualated by anti whites
Caged. This post is pure bait tier.
On a serious note, none of it had to do with race, it's mostly about how charismatic you are, to an extent that's looks but it's also just being generally conversational and saying the right things at the right times, making people feel comfortable with you and interested in what you have to say.
A Thai girl rated me puts me at around a 6/10 despite living in Bangkok, cope
oh my god 😂😂😂 youre autism is showing … surely you cant be serious right? the fact that you think a screenshot of a thai girl saying youre a “5 or a 6” is something to flex tells me youre most likely a virgin. i have already slept with more attractive WHITE women in USA then you will ANY women in your entire life. keep coping though

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