Story Is it gay to like white females?

Is it gay to like white females?

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  • 5ft8+ ( man height)
  • wide shoulders
  • thick bone structure
  • fat
  • big long loose pussy which will take your 7 incher like its a 2 incher
  • manly white skin
  • manly european facial features
  • lets not even go into the attitude and ego

Literally thai men are more feminine than white women, why do u think so many go to thailand and fuck ladyboys
Ok, so you good at finding me mongoloid waifu, because would not keep her for yourself. In Mexico Tinder I saw some cute native girls who could pass as SEasians. Just don't want to go to that shithole of toxic machomasculinity
My mother looks fully Spanish and my father had kinda dark skin and i got my wide nose from him, there is like a social class where the ones with the more white DNA are richer, my mother was able to send me to a private collage because she's hard working due to being whiter (my father doesn't like to work), but my class was full of white passing latinos because of it, there was only 1 native american looking girl, and to me she was the ugliest one in class.

There i was like a rich guy, i moved to the US at 12, now i'm poor here.
My mother looks fully Spanish and my father had kinda dark skin and i got my wide nose from him, there is like a social class where the ones with the more white DNA are richer, my mother was able to send me to a private collage because she's hard working due to being whiter (my father doesn't like to work), but my class was full of white passing latinos because of it, there was only 1 native american looking girl, and to me she was the ugliest one in class.

There i was like a rich guy, i moved to the US at 12, now i'm poor here.
Gibs me mongoloid-passing latino waifu

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