Is it easier to geomax in Asia as a mulatto than as a black

They’re considered black in the US. Ask any American whether Obama is black

Obama has zero black ancestry. Obama is an Indonesian man. Look at his skull and eye shape (before he got surgery). Very SEA looking. Mulattos don't look like that. Finally compare Joko Widodo and Obama side to side. Almost identical and obviously the same phenotype.

Americans fell for the black president meme.
Obama has zero black ancestry. Obama is an Indonesian man. Look at his skull and eye shape (before he got surgery). Very SEA looking. Mulattos don't look like that. Finally compare Joko Widodo and Obama side to side. Almost identical and obviously the same phenotype.

Americans fell for the black president meme.
Obama is half white half kenyan so he's 50% black.
Obama is half white half kenyan so he's 50% black.

That's the official story that was put out and it's patently false. Tell me - How come Obama doesn't remotely look like Ann Dunham or Obama Sr.? Because those are NOT his parents.

Mulattos don't look like that. He's had some work though. A nose job and hair plugs to hide his natural hair.
They’re considered black in the US. Ask any American whether Obama is black
Obama is not mulatto JFL.

Anyways theres a huge difference between jeremy meeks mulatto and some african child in the depths of congo.
Mulattos and blacks are not the same Phenotypically as such they are different races and are perceived differently

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