Advice Is Canada better than Asia for Blacks?

Tai Bwo Wannai

Exposing all shills and tranny luvvers
Sep 3, 2022
Reaction score
Edgeville Bank, Gielinor
There's a particular black guy on YouTube that makes some pretty big claims -

1. Claims that blacks do ok in Asia but largely most get leftovers, single moms etc. and overall the culture is too dissimilar for them to adapt or assimilate.

2. Claims that English speaking countries especially Canada are much better geomaxxing spots than Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Philippines etc.

3. Claims to have an extensive travel history, but he's lived in Canada for 6 years and is based on and off in Thailand.

I can honestly go on and on about this guy. But he's kind of preachy and outspoken but I guess that just comes with experience / travel knowledge. He also designates himself as a Foundational Black American (FBA) which is another crafty psyop title to divide the races even more, but I digress.

He has a lot of Canada content.

1. 53 year old black man slays in Vancouver on a long week.

2. Call to action get interested about Canada

3. Claims Canada is better than Asia

Quite an interesting channel. Lots of opinions and testimonials on there about their trips to Canada and guys (mostly) doing well. I've always thought Canada was a feminist gynocentric shithole especially Toronto. I've also known numerous Canucks who geomaxxed to Asia who hated Canada. I know quite a few incels languishing in Canada still.

I'm not sure if there's like a small niche for black men there or what? Does anyone know anything or have any opinions about living there or slaying Beckys in Canuckistan?
Competition is harder in the west.

but i think more white women would be willing to date full blacks cos it pops out mini mixed moggers like @AlexBrown84

SEA girls wouldnt wanna reproduce with a FULL black because too dark skin is bad for offspring hence why full blacks in asia would end with with...
leftovers, single moms

South Americans are more open to full blacks I believe but again skin colour is preferred lighter there

Honestly like i said before i think best chance is with white women but it just makes it more difficult that they're usually surrounded by millions of white chads

Maybe EE would be better cos can throw in some betabuxxing?
Canada is probably harder cause of the chads etc, but you face less discrimination.

That's what I thought too. Asia is much better. The depth, dimension, scope and gradient of choice and difficulty suit most blacks that go there despite their looks, personality, demeanor, or disposition. In other words, they'll find something, someone or their own personal niche. I'm not sure about Canada where it's probably Tyrone only.

The dude in those podcasts gets pissy when guys challenge his Canada claims, but he's firm. I'm contemplating doing a trip. Might be worth it to spoof my Tinder there or something.
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There's a particular black guy on YouTube that makes some pretty big claims -

1. Claims that blacks do ok in Asia but largely most get leftovers, single moms etc. and overall the culture is too dissimilar for them to adapt or assimilate.

2. Claims that English speaking countries especially Canada are much better geomaxxing spots than Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Philippines etc.

3. Claims to have an extensive travel history, but he's lived in Canada for 6 years and is based on and off in Thailand.

I can honestly go on and on about this guy. But he's kind of preachy and outspoken but I guess that just comes with experience / travel knowledge. He also designates himself as a Foundational Black American (FBA) which is another crafty psyop title to divide the races even more, but I digress.

He has a lot of Canada content.

1. 53 year old black man slays in Vancouver on a long week.

2. Call to action get interested about Canada

3. Claims Canada is better than Asia

Quite an interesting channel. Lots of opinions and testimonials on there about their trips to Canada and guys (mostly) doing well. I've always thought Canada was a feminist gynocentric shithole especially Toronto. I've also known numerous Canucks who geomaxxed to Asia who hated Canada. I know quite a few incels languishing in Canada still.

I'm not sure if there's like a small niche for black men there or what? Does anyone know anything or have any opinions about living there or slaying Beckys in Canuckistan?
It's a larp 100%, no question about it

He could fuck lots of hot women but those women will be drug addicts asking for money because Vancouver has an insane drug problem.

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