Ethnics can't get laid in Europe. No money for your lack of dating life. Why do u think they all want to go home
Africans always can, otherwise they'd be African'ts, JFL. But the other shitskins are typically SOL, which is why Europe has become less safe for cute little foids with all those drunk rapey brownoids roaming about.
If true, why are brownoids more happy when they are poor in their home countries than as migrant laborers slaving away for the Jew-in-charge?
Spending is a trap, because you will be stuck slaving away to cover your expenses, and the misery of work will always exceed the joy of blowing your funds.
Saving is a trap, because currency devaluation will eat away at what you have in the bank, and you will be paying more in taxes than you spend on yourself.
Investing is a trap, because your investment only makes the previous investors richer, with no guarantee that new investors will come along to make you richer.
Only those people who are more intelligent than the average Jew can foresee and avoid the numerous pitfalls which await the individual who pursues wealth. Usually, they learn to enjoy the life of a pampered slave, often to the point where they cannot comprehend enjoying a life of leisure. My dad intensely anticipated and prepared for retirement over most of his working life. But now that he finally can be free, he decided to keep working and amassing wealth...for what???