I'm aware that asian girls don't like facial hair on asian men


Conqueror at Heart and DNA
Oct 14, 2022
but what about 5mm~, or less, stubble on Southern Euro men? Is any facial hair a deal breaker/failo?
yes, no beard is #1 choice
if you are going to have one because it looks much better on you, do a clean and short one like 3-5mm.
being a foreigner is probably fine, they also don't like our dressing style, haircut and lots of other features
so you may as well change everything if you want to asian maxx lol
Death sentence in Asia. The less the better. If you don't look like this don't bother going:
I'm half joking. From what I understand there are some that have a thing for swarthy meds the issue's that you're boxing yourself in. The vast majority do not like it. It's a general theme you'll find with every couple in Asia. The guy's almost always clean shaven or has very little facial hair. If you have money it won't matter though.

Start learning the language as well.
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I keep a stubble because it makes my big italian nose less prominent but I guess if it's that big of a failo I'll go clean shaven. For reference, these are usually the lengths I try to keep it at, give or take.
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From what I understand there are some that have a thing for swarthy meds the issue's that you're boxing yourself in.
Yep, I see that it's mostly Chinese girls that tolerate/like my current look as I'm getting the most attention over there but I wonder if these same girls would think I look better without any facial hair. I did ask a few and they all said I would look better clean shaven, but I don't like taking women's words at 100% face value.
if they are already interested in a foreigner
that short look will be ok i think
seen plenty of guys with clean beard, similar to the one in those pictures do well in Asia, it's not a deal breaker

lots of other stuff you can focus on that would improve your chances a lot more, than beard or no beard

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