If i walk by a high school and ask girls to kiss me will they?


Well-known Member
Aug 26, 2023
I'm talking cold approach first thing i say "can I kiss you" would it work? I'm thinking bangkok or manila. 6'2 blond white guy
I'm talking cold approach first thing i say "can I kiss you" would it work? I'm thinking bangkok or manila. 6'2 blond white guy
give her your whatsapp, and maybe you can talk her into coming over to fuck. Best age for that is XX. ( i will leave that age up to you to decide) They are stupid and dick crazy. just be semi attractive (seriously, you dont' need muscles, just be skinny. Girls dont' give a real fuck if you have muscles or not, but they do not like fat. Who does?)
and remember. NEVER fall in love. Simply dick down, and move on. she's XX. She thinks she wants a boyfriend, but the truth is at that age, she just wants sex.
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give her your whatsapp, and maybe you can talk her into coming over to fuck. Best age for that is XX. ( i will leave that age up to you to decide) They are stupid and dick crazy. just be semi attractive (seriously, you dont' need muscles, just be skinny. Girls dont' give a real fuck if you have muscles or not, but they do not like fat. Who does?)
and remember. NEVER fall in love. Simply dick down, and move on. she's XX. She thinks she wants a boyfriend, but the truth is at that age, she just wants sex.
i'd NEVER fall in love lmao fuck that

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