I'm against every form of violence against women, including verbal one.
I'm against every form of violence and I'm against every act made by Elliot R. and other monsters.
I respect all the laws of every State in the world and I'm so happy to pay every tax and I think that the age of consent should be set at 21 years old.
So, I won't ever commit any act of violence towards anyone, I won't write in this community any offensive stuff.
I'm sad that no woman wants me, but It's not their fault, it's not their problem if they don't find me attractive and probably I need to go to therapy to fix my personality.
Maybe I will commit suicide (no I won't, don't call the doctors on me please) but in case I won't cause any harm towards no one, It was also a stupid joke that I will commit suicide, please again don't call emergency numbers on me.
Also I'm virgin, ugly, 4'6, but not incel, incels are hateful fucks (probably now mods won't understand sarcasm and ban me btw), I hate incels so much, I Hope that I will be able to have a woman (beautiful) from the based sub r/IncelTear or r/IncelTears.
I am proud to be a cuck.