I fucked up my coding project


Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023
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I forgot I had a project in Python due tomorrow! It's worth 30% of my final grade which determines whether I get to go to college or not! I don't know what to do because I CAN'T FUCKING CODE! Isn't this just wonderful!?
So guess what I'm doing? I'm LDARING and trying to forget about the project! ITS OVER!!!

ldaring is more fulfilling for an incel than a college experience anyways. id go er if i had to live in isla vista back in 2010-2014. i can see why er did what he did.
the epiphany of realizing all that awaits you when you "grow up" is a life of wageslaving and misery or living in poverty and ldaring is enough to make anyone suicidal its a miracle there aren't normies rioting in the streets jfl they really are cattlelike bluepilled slaves
the epiphany of realizing all that awaits you when you "grow up" is a life of wageslaving and misery or living in poverty and ldaring is enough to make anyone suicidal its a miracle there aren't normies rioting in the streets jfl they really are cattlelike bluepilled slaves
dumb ai bots. this world is so twisted er should be glad he got out when he did. all circumcised clown indoctrinated inoculated soys.
I forgot I had a project in Python due tomorrow! It's worth 30% of my final grade which determines whether I get to go to college or not! I don't know what to do because I CAN'T FUCKING CODE! Isn't this just wonderful!?
So guess what I'm doing? I'm LDARING and trying to forget about the project! ITS OVER!!!


use chatgpt, it works for coding. my friend's friend used it to make a code for a game
Sorry to hear that OP. They are pushing this 'learn to code' shit on everyone and most people don't have the aptitude for it because it's basically the same as the functions & relations parts of highschool & early college maths. Most people don't take those courses or do well in them so most people aren't going to do well in a programming class either.

I remember in highschool around grade 9 in computer class it was basically how to use MS office and Adobe software and it was pretty popular and easy to get a good grade. Then in grade 10 they introduced programming and the majority of the class routinely wouldn't get it. Most of the class straight up didn't understand how to do anything and the teacher and some students would have to constantly go around and help them out.

It's very likely that most of your classmates copied something off the internet and changed around a few things. About half of the new people we hire for entry-level development stuff (people with computer science degrees) don't have a clue how to do anything on their own.
Sorry to hear that OP. They are pushing this 'learn to code' shit on everyone and most people don't have the aptitude for it because it's basically the same as the functions & relations parts of highschool & early college maths. Most people don't take those courses or do well in them so most people aren't going to do well in a programming class either.

I remember in highschool around grade 9 in computer class it was basically how to use MS office and Adobe software and it was pretty popular and easy to get a good grade. Then in grade 10 they introduced programming and the majority of the class routinely wouldn't get it. Most of the class straight up didn't understand how to do anything and the teacher and some students would have to constantly go around and help them out.

It's very likely that most of your classmates copied something off the internet and changed around a few things. About half of the new people we hire for entry-level development stuff (people with computer science degrees) don't have a clue how to do anything on their own.
I got through it in the end, will probably get ~70% in it. I'm happy with that.

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