How to slay while in airbnbs if ur not allowed guests?


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022

This girl from Ecuador asked to come to my place twice now, and she's like a 15 min walk from my place at the beach with her friend

But my airbnb host in my shared apartment says visitors aren't allowed unless I pay 30 euro and I have to communicate it days before they come to alert the other housemates

This is so cucked man. I need to get my own apartment but I don't think anywhere rents for just 1 month. They're all 6 month contracts. And an entire apartment to urself on Airbnb here is like 2k per month I can't afford that shit and wouldn't pay it even if I could
This girl from Ecuador asked to come to my place twice now, and she's like a 15 min walk from my place at the beach with her friend

But my airbnb host in my shared apartment says visitors aren't allowed unless I pay 30 euro and I have to communicate it days before they come to alert the other housemates

This is so cucked man.
hahaha, that's why i rarely book those places where the fuckin' owner lurks around.

it's a hassle to find the right place on airbnb because it's not always obvious if he's there or not. but at least those places exist there. for small hotels it's even worse because the receptionist will nag you if you bring someone.

I need to get my own apartment but I don't think anywhere rents for just 1 month. They're all 6 month contracts. And an entire apartment to urself on Airbnb here is like 2k per month I can't afford that shit and wouldn't pay it even if I could
welcome to europe.
own apartment is a lot better, but even then you are not completely safe. i got into a similar cucked situation once when i was in peru. and i had even booked my own apartment. but it was on the top floor of the house the owner lived in with his family.

the price was the same for 1 or for 2 people, so i booked for 2, just in case for slaying. i arrived alone and the owner asked me about the second person. i said "my friend will probably arrive at a later point". i took a look at the area first and came back. the owner was there again asked me "did your friend already arrive?" "no, not yet". the next day eventually i picked up some girl from online dating and brought her back to my place. so i had to walk up the outdoor spiral staircase to get to my apartment, on the way up we had to walk by all these windows of the lower levels the family was living in. they were in the kitchen with open window staring at us and waving hands so i had to greet them in a friendly way and do some talking, it felt like coming home and having to answer mum and dad first. i banged her in the apartment and later we rushed down the stairs in order to not get interviewed. so they slay worked but still it was kinda cucked.

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