How many of you are non NT? Do you wish you were NT?

Means nothing, just have good genes however that also means your probably gonna be extroverted and treated good by ppl anyways
I thought I was for a while but I think I was just socially retarded because of school outcasting - it does feel like I fit in best when I’m being a fake bitch though
listen. always go into the convo expecting to fail. anything better than that. AWESOME.

you are NOT and i don't care how good looking you are, or muscular or rich or whatever. you cannot even exclude fame. You are NOT going to be 100% seuccessful, period!

no one in the history of mankind can say they were ever 100% successful, unless the first bitch they hit on, was the one they married.

otherwise. you are going to fail, but like anything. keep trying. You will win

no different than an athlete. if you look at any sport. You think any of those mother fuckers just picked up the ball, or the racket or the stick and was instantly good at it FUCK NO.
they had to practice and practice alot. They lost alot of games. They knew they were not good, but they had a passion to get better

same with bitches man. It's absolutely no different.

practice practice practice....want a cheat cose. And most of this still works

here read this book. Alot of this shit still applies, and i use it. The touching thing. absolutely. (if she touches you more than 3 times during your first meeting, she likes you) that is 100% fucking true.


  • The Game - Neil Strauss (OCR).pdf
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this is depressing reading all you guys issues man. It only manifests because you dwell on it. You just gotta say FUCK IT. And go for it. expect to be shot down, but keep trying. Seriously....are you guys that afraid of failure. You do realise, that bitch won't remember who you are 3 weeks from now. Cause women are constantly being hit on by men AND women.

just don't be too fucking memorable at failing LOL.
Don't wear a chicken suit and bring flowers and trip on a handicap person while spilling the chocolates all over him, to ask a girl on a first date. that you have never met. THAT SHIT, will get you remembered. LOL

just go up and ask her, hey.....i like you, and want to bring you to the movies. If you want to think about it, here is my number. I have whatsapp.

BAM...that's all you gotta say. Now do that to 30 bitches and i guarentee you, you will have at least 3 message you back. Unless you look like the hunch back of notre dame, then maybe you need to lower the bar a bit.

cause im a plain looking 43 yo guy. absolutely nothing attractive about me. The only thing i got going for me is im 6 foot 2. and skinny. Thats it. I would love to show you a photo, maybe i will. There ya go, nothing special, yet i have fucked over 500 girls. look at that shit, my eye brows are uneven and i got a 5 head. Absolutely zero chad material


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used to wish I was but i hate most normies anyway. I still can blend into social situations and have friend groups and circles but am introverted and i dont have the same interests as them.
this is depressing reading all you guys issues man. It only manifests because you dwell on it. You just gotta say FUCK IT. And go for it. expect to be shot down, but keep trying. Seriously....are you guys that afraid of failure. You do realise, that bitch won't remember who you are 3 weeks from now. Cause women are constantly being hit on by men AND women.

just don't be too fucking memorable at failing LOL.
Don't wear a chicken suit and bring flowers and trip on a handicap person while spilling the chocolates all over him, to ask a girl on a first date. that you have never met. THAT SHIT, will get you remembered. LOL

just go up and ask her, hey.....i like you, and want to bring you to the movies. If you want to think about it, here is my number. I have whatsapp.

BAM...that's all you gotta say. Now do that to 30 bitches and i guarentee you, you will have at least 3 message you back. Unless you look like the hunch back of notre dame, then maybe you need to lower the bar a bit.

cause im a plain looking 43 yo guy. absolutely nothing attractive about me. The only thing i got going for me is im 6 foot 2. and skinny. Thats it. I would love to show you a photo, maybe i will. There ya go, nothing special, yet i have fucked over 500 girls. look at that shit, my eye brows are uneven and i got a 5 head. Absolutely zero chad material
You look very good for 40 god damn, how do you youthmaxx. I already have circles and my hairline is the basically the same as yours and I am 25 JFL. youre also 6'2 and gl
listen. always go into the convo expecting to fail. anything better than that. AWESOME.

you are NOT and i don't care how good looking you are, or muscular or rich or whatever. you cannot even exclude fame. You are NOT going to be 100% seuccessful, period!

no one in the history of mankind can say they were ever 100% successful, unless the first bitch they hit on, was the one they married.

otherwise. you are going to fail, but like anything. keep trying. You will win

no different than an athlete. if you look at any sport. You think any of those mother fuckers just picked up the ball, or the racket or the stick and was instantly good at it FUCK NO.
they had to practice and practice alot. They lost alot of games. They knew they were not good, but they had a passion to get better

same with bitches man. It's absolutely no different.

practice practice practice....want a cheat cose. And most of this still works

here read this book. Alot of this shit still applies, and i use it. The touching thing. absolutely. (if she touches you more than 3 times during your first meeting, she likes you) that is 100% fucking true.
based boomer lmfao. dont try with these zoomies. boomer coomers are the only people who can post information on geomaxxing
You look very good for 40 god damn, how do you youthmaxx. I already have circles and my hairline is the basically the same as yours and I am 25 JFL. youre also 6'2 and gl
i have always looked young. when i was 28, i would get ID'd for buying my step mom cigarettes (you had to be 18) and i had to say "my step mom is over here she will vouch for my age) and they STILL wouldn't sell me the fucking cigarettes.

you think it's awesome, but it's not when your 28, girls your age dont' want anything to do with you, cause you look too young, and only 14 and 15 year olds want to fuck you. cause they think they are only 3 years younger than you.

so sadly, when i was 28 i had a full time 14 yo gf. Luckily in my country, 14 was legal. and we still talk to this day. Even though she is married to someone else now.
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i have always looked young. when i was 28, i would get ID'd for buying my step mom cigarettes (you had to be 18) and i had to say "my step mom is over here she will vouch for my age) and they STILL wouldn't sell me the fucking cigarettes.

you think it's awesome, but it's not when your 28, girls your age dont' want anything to do with you, cause you look too young, and only 14 and 15 year olds want to fuck you. cause they think they are only 3 years younger than you.

so sadly, when i was 28 i had a full time 14 yo gf. Luckily in my country, 14 was legal. and we still talk to this day. Even though she is married to someone else now.
i didnt even get id at 21 because i was a baldcel at 21
sorry fell asleep, okay, i dont' have any pen and paper, so i used a milk carton (see the writing isnt' blurry)

here is smile, with wrinkles (i have the money to remove them, but fuck it, i will accept aging).

also i feel fat today, i ate two big macs as my carb day yesterday (today no carbs only meat)


  • me and milk.jpg
    me and milk.jpg
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sorry fell asleep, okay, i dont' have any pen and paper, so i used a milk carton (see the writing isnt' blurry)

here is smile, with wrinkles (i have the money to remove them, but fuck it, i will accept aging).

also i feel fat today, i ate two big macs as my carb day yesterday (today no carbs only meat)
Mogs me
i have always looked young. when i was 28, i would get ID'd for buying my step mom cigarettes (you had to be 18) and i had to say "my step mom is over here she will vouch for my age) and they STILL wouldn't sell me the fucking cigarettes.

you think it's awesome, but it's not when your 28, girls your age dont' want anything to do with you, cause you look too young, and only 14 and 15 year olds want to fuck you. cause they think they are only 3 years younger than you.

so sadly, when i was 28 i had a full time 14 yo gf. Luckily in my country, 14 was legal. and we still talk to this day. Even though she is married to someone else now.
How is that even an issue, who fucking cares if 28 year old roasties want to fuck you id rather prime
How is that even an issue, who fucking cares if 28 year old roasties want to fuck you id rather prime
ya but there is a ying and yang to everything in life. Sure, fucking a prime 14 or 15 year old is fun. but you cannot take her into social circles. Vs. girl closer to your age, you can bring into social circles, but not as fun to fuck.

yin and yang to everything in life my friend
not trying to mog anyone. I am just trying to show everyone, that ANYONE can fuck 100's of girls. you simply need to practice your approach. And then practice your close.

there is only two steps to the game.

girls really don't give a fuck about looks at times. (not saying all the time) but like you, sometimes they are horny and don't give a fuck

just like you, you see a nerdy girl, but she gives off a vibe

you woudl fuck her right. No different for girls.

i think all of you could slay ,f you just give yourself a bit of confidence.

and what do you need to have confidence. Practice

fucking read "the game" by neil stauss and 80% still applies

it will help you, it helped me


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