Geomax How hard is it to geomaxx in Japan/Korea?


Active Member
Jan 18, 2025
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1. How NT do you have to be, on a scale of 1-10?
2. How much do you have to know their language?
3. Quantity of matches?
4. Is bar/clubbing better or hinge better

im chinese myself, and i'm in the process of hardmaxxing, so looks shouldnt be an issue.
Easier than the west, harder than SEA.
Language makes a huge difference from what I've seen.
Quality is a lot higher, but quantity is not easy to get, you need language and/or looks for it.
it's gonna be easier since ur EA yourself
language is a must in both
Learn the language. It's not hard, you can do it in a few months. But only if you are of sufficient genetic quality, JBW doesn't cut it on its own.
Read my post on Tokyo for some varied/random insights:

To answer your questions specifically regarding Japan (I cannot speak to Korea):

  1. NT is less important than in the West because the "lingucultural barrier" creates an obscuring cloud of smoke. It is harder to sniff out your non-neurotypicality. In her mind, you're not fidgeting or stuttering because you're "autistic", you're just acting weird because you don't understand the language or culture well. This is huge. However, there are some Japanese social customs and mannerisms that you absolutely must learn and learn well. In a nutshell I'd say slightly-non-NT guys are going to fare much better in Japan, but guys who are hyper-autistic will do equally poorly. I am pretty much completely NT, and every non-NT person I've known hasn't been really into dating, so I can't speak TOO much to this, although I believe I'm right based on what I've seen.

  2. Language is critical, no way around it. Despite what the resident BPers want to believe, Chadlites usually do get blown out because they don't speak the language. MTNs who speak a bit of Japanese pick up their scraps. You really don't need that much Japanese though. Weak N4 level, or 4-6 months of casual study, will get you to where you need to be.

  3. Online dating is not very good in Japan and I would avoid it. The exception is HelloTalk which you'd be stupid not to use.

  4. Hinge does not exist in Japan and nobody's heard of it. Bumble is the international dating app to use. Pairs/Omiai/With are three Japanese dating apps but they are very serious, courtship style, and require a resident ID card. Again, I would just avoid them all and go out to bars (and use HelloTalk

1. 9

I've lived in Korea for a few years (mostly Seoul, but also some other places) so I'll chime in too, I'll basically lay it out how rance did.
1. Being NT is generally important, but if you are a tiny bit socially awkward it won't be a huge deal, but you have to make up for it in your looks/status/money. If you really like want to assmilate/date at a high level you need to learn how to read the room, subtle nuances/tells in korean. Koreans are extremely judgemental so if you cannot do that it's 눈치 없다 and a huge failio.
2. Unlike what rance said about japan, I'll say language is not as important. If you want to make friends, social groups, go steady then yeah it's important. For dating however, people will value your looks/height/status/money much much more than how well you can speak korean, if you have none of those things and cannot compete with korean men then knowing korean well will not save you. Notice how the foreigners that girls want to fuck generally aren't the dudes you see speaking fluent korean on korean shows. However, if you are already a chadlite and can pull decently then learning korean will probably improve the quality of what you can get and make dating more fulfilling.
3. Dating apps are generally not good here, I remember there was some statistic where Tinder in korea was like 99% men and 1% women, it's very competitive unless you are chad. Hellotalk is actually the one app that's majority women, so you might have better luck there, but again don't be ugly.
4.It depends on what vibe you can pull off, since you're east asian bar/clubbing or daygame would probably work in your favor.
Since you said you were chinese, there's alot of racism against chinese here but if you can kpop max and you're good looking and tall it won't matter in clubs, literally girls will come up to you. It also should be easy to get foreign girls looking for their kpop oppa over in Hongdae
chads will have trouble on dating apps in korea. koreans are highly tuned into social media and it doesnt matter how good you look, the women have access to better looking dudes online and the women still reject those dudes too.

real life they're still pretty picky, but (speculation) the ratio of them that dont use instagram or social media at all seems higher, so it's still reasonable to find just a normal good girl
I've lived in Korea for a few years (mostly Seoul, but also some other places) so I'll chime in too, I'll basically lay it out how rance did.
1. Being NT is generally important, but if you are a tiny bit socially awkward it won't be a huge deal, but you have to make up for it in your looks/status/money. If you really like want to assmilate/date at a high level you need to learn how to read the room, subtle nuances/tells in korean. Koreans are extremely judgemental so if you cannot do that it's 눈치 없다 and a huge failio.
2. Unlike what rance said about japan, I'll say language is not as important. If you want to make friends, social groups, go steady then yeah it's important. For dating however, people will value your looks/height/status/money much much more than how well you can speak korean, if you have none of those things and cannot compete with korean men then knowing korean well will not save you. Notice how the foreigners that girls want to fuck generally aren't the dudes you see speaking fluent korean on korean shows. However, if you are already a chadlite and can pull decently then learning korean will probably improve the quality of what you can get and make dating more fulfilling.
3. Dating apps are generally not good here, I remember there was some statistic where Tinder in korea was like 99% men and 1% women, it's very competitive unless you are chad. Hellotalk is actually the one app that's majority women, so you might have better luck there, but again don't be ugly.
4.It depends on what vibe you can pull off, since you're east asian bar/clubbing or daygame would probably work in your favor.
Since you said you were chinese, there's alot of racism against chinese here but if you can kpop max and you're good looking and tall it won't matter in clubs, literally girls will come up to you. It also should be easy to get foreign girls looking for their kpop oppa over in Hongdae
As a socially awkward 27 yo virgin subhuman 6'1 manlet, who is low status (living at home) and unemployed (after getting rejected from graduate program applications), this does not bode well for me.
chad lites have trouble online in korea. I should note I dont know about actual chads. I dont think I've ever actually seen a full chad foreigner here except for maybe, at a club in a different group or something

until you get more confidence and a good wardrobe and scuh you might want to try a different country. the standards in korea rose exponentially in just a roughly 5-6 year timeframe. that said, its a pretty good place to experiment. drinks are not really much more than in the philippines or thailand.
chad lites have trouble online in korea. I should note I dont know about actual chads. I dont think I've ever actually seen a full chad foreigner here except for maybe, at a club in a different group or something

until you get more confidence and a good wardrobe and scuh you might want to try a different country. the standards in korea rose exponentially in just a roughly 5-6 year timeframe. that said, its a pretty good place to experiment. drinks are not really much more than in the philippines or thailand.

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