Immediately go to and begin learning hanzi. Set all your settings to the lowest, most casual pace. You need to learn characters. I don't care what you think. It makes everything easier. (You do not need to know how to handwrite characters, but you need to know how to read and type them). On HanziHero you get the first 90 characters free, which is a great foundation for learning, you don't need to pay for anything unless you get really invested.
After you've learned ~25-30 hanzi I would recommend getting HelloChinese on your phone. We're going to abuse free trials here again. Use HelloChinese until you've hit the free trial limit, which should teach you about 100 words and some essential grammar points.
After you've maxed HanziHero and HelloChinese you're going to have to start paying for stuff whether that be more serious apps or a tutor. But just get to that point first.
Learning is NOT hard, seriously. It just requires daily dedication of at least 15 or 20 minutes. The more time you set aside every day the faster you will progress, but the EVERY DAY is the key.