Got ghosted again


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
Reaction score
I was on my way in a taxi and half way there she ghosted me. Fucking white bitch. I then texted an asian girl on Tinder and told her about it and she was fully supporting me. She kept saying I'm good looking. Tinder in it's infinite wisdom decides to block me after I ask a girl who's within a mile of me for head.

Fuck this app and the white bitches who are on it.
Thats why right wing is cope, but its mostly 95% self hating ethnics and 5% white subhumans defending white roasties, ive been kicked from many right wing groups for saying the truth
Im 5/10 but never been seen as a human to white roasties basically chronic khhv, but ig thats expected in a nigger culture west, and normie tier, but cant change the cards i was dealt, its kind of annoying some 3/10 recessed ape who plays basketball can get white beckies pretty easily but mutt babies are a result, and being a single mom is over tier life. Especially with the elite future plans, just gonna be a vaxxed dumb mutt knowing nothing
Stormfronters are embarrassing at this point lol it’s like look around - white chicks don’t give a shit about their race or country so why defend them?!

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