Recommendation Good sign is mongoloid girl liking good music of white men, while liking k-poop is bad

Napoleon de Geso

kemono friend from hopeless shithole
Dec 11, 2023
Reaction score
lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
Some say is good sign when mongoloid female likes k-pop, because k-pop bois look white. They don't. Their style influenced by Western, but they don't look anything like white man - just pale doll-faced plasticboys. Much better, and good sign, is when mongoloid girl likes good white music - is not only her being more cultured by having good taste in music instead of k-poop shit, but also increased possibility of appreciating beauty of white man and desire to own one

Is of good example my Tinder match from most shared picture (and another less shared):

1.jpgz4 2.jpg

She had this as Tinder profile song when we matched:

And now has this:

Also witnessed her instead of usual distance between us ~7000 around Shanghai had it changed to ~1000. Searching for own white man somewhere in Europe (by checking to locations closest to accurate distance it looked possibly Venice or Rotterdam), instead of those dolly k-poop plasticbois

Others of my Tinder matches have even more evolved taste in music, like example of this, who also holds record of my longest conversation had with Tinder matches

chiens.jpgChien 2.jpg

Her current Tinder profile music:

Or her most listened songs from spotify, even from names it can be seen being supreme music of white man:

Lifelover - Myspys
Psychonaut 4 - Too Late to Call an Ambulance
Nocturnal Depression - Nostalgia
Mutiilation - A Dream
Happy Day's - Don't Go
My Useless Life- Død II
Behexen - Cave of the Dark Dreams
Thy Light - In My Last Mourning

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ive tried watching some asian movies and asian music

its genuinely terrible

the only reason people watch it is because they seethe that europeans ruined/dominate their country so dont wanna consume the media

I even tried to watch an asian movie recently because its highly acclaimed and won awards.

But it was so bad that I had to stop watching like half way through cos of just how terrible it was.

And the asian i was watching with, got mad at me

So I checked the ratings of the movie to see whether im the only one

But literally there was 10s of thousands of 1 star reviews saying how bad the movie was and they had to walk out the cinema

and half were saying they only let it win an award because its asian, for diversity. and the only reason people watch it cos its asian
but anyways regardless, i still find the girls who like me the most are the ones who like kpop because they get surgery/edits/bleach/dye to look like me, further reinforcing superiority of european phenotype in their eyes

if a girl starts simping for dark skinned tiny eyes bowl cut guys then yea youre toast

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