JFL german guy gets drugged and robbed in colombia


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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still don’t know why guys like this think they’ll be able to survive in colombia
with that said, i’ll still be going

need more dad lore
Aint getting that crypto back playa. LOL. "hurr durr what do we need banks for??? fuck banks!" Aint getting that crypto back playa, ever, LOL.
I would only walk in cheap clothes and without a smartphone in such places... the only navigation I need is my uncucked bleacher-san cock.

This reminds me that when I was doing shady stuff I would deliberately de-kit - leave my phone and cards at the hotel/apartment, only carry enough cash for the night's activities. I cant imagine being the kind of oversocialized idiot who is lugging around a laptop (with all his finances on password autofill, wtf!) while slumming with whores. I can't imagine being a PhD chemist and being this fucking stupid about the world.
In Colombia, if you are foolish and fall victim to a robbery, you are the one to blame for giving the papaya. The robber merely acted according to his opportunistic instincts. Colombia has a fucked-up history, and a lot of their social problems are a direct result. Colombians take it for granted that the streets are full of criminals, and that a robber could appear at any moment...that's how it's always been for them. The limpiezas (mass disappearances of drug addicts and other undesirables) only killed off the timid and foolish criminals who could not outwit the paramilitary gangs.

Boggles my mind how many dudes still insist on taking a whore back to their room, as if that makes it a romantic hookup rather than mere cooming in a rented hole. There are hotels specifically designed for assignations all over Colombia...fucking use them. You shouldn't even have your room key on you when you go out whoremongering. Leave it at reception, or at least detach the room number tag so they can't know which room is yours after they dose your drink.
In Colombia, if you are foolish and fall victim to a robbery, you are the one to blame for giving the papaya. The robber merely acted according to his opportunistic instincts. Colombia has a fucked-up history, and a lot of their social problems are a direct result. Colombians take it for granted that the streets are full of criminals, and that a robber could appear at any moment...that's how it's always been for them. The limpiezas (mass disappearances of drug addicts and other undesirables) only killed off the timid and foolish criminals who could not outwit the paramilitary gangs.

Boggles my mind how many dudes still insist on taking a whore back to their room, as if that makes it a romantic hookup rather than mere cooming in a rented hole. There are hotels specifically designed for assignations all over Colombia...fucking use them. You shouldn't even have your room key on you when you go out whoremongering. Leave it at reception, or at least detach the room number tag so they can't know which room is yours after they dose your drink.
Going to Colombia is unfathomably retarded
I'd go back to Colombia in a heartbeat. It's a cheap and amazing country full of beautiful women of every skin color, from the negresses of Tumaco to the white-passing girls of Manizales. Lowest cost of living in the Western Hemisphere. Amazing highland climate as well. Protect yourself like a real man, stop relying on law & order to keep your bitch ass safe in the streets.
Going to Colombia is unfathomably retarded

Going to Colombia is (not for the) unfathomably retarded, true. Medellin nightlife is an absolute den of snakes, as is Cartagena's Old City. Anyone with any kind of spidey sense will hard nope when aggressive touts try to physically direct you into their club. Drugging seems less common in Cartagena, extortionate ripoffs are very prevalent. Coomers in the know, even Colombians, say DO NOT GO TO BARS TO PICK UP GIRLS IN COLOMBIA. Bars are social spaces for friends to hang out and drink together, and the best bars are simply an area of chairs on a patio with a guy selling $1.20 Aguila beers from a fridge. Yet dumbfucks think they are still an untouchable farang in fucking Pattaya and engage in the same cooming strategy...going alone to a bar, chatting up that 9/10 hottie who pounces on him and speaks English. Then he gets drugged and robbed, what a shock.

IME, everyone who speaks English to you in Colombia is either a student or a scumbag. You WILL have to get nasty to disengage from the latter if you fuck around in the streets much, and many foreigners are pussified faggots who feel fearful when they should feel furious at being harassed. Someone dashes in front of your path insisting on getting your attention, IDGAF who they are or how pathetic they try to look, your adrenaline should spike and your face should contort with anger. Confront them, fire your verbal warning (in Spanish) and then keep walking. If there are multiple scumbags, you should be more subtle when showing aggression...but never show uncertainty. What the hell, asserting yourself will help you feel more masculine and confident enough to go get some colombiana tail.

The hottest herd of whores I have ever seen were in Cartagena's Old City, Plaza de la Aduana I believe. It was around 9 PM, and they were all just standing around the edges of the dimly lit square waiting for customers. No need to deal with bar ripoffs, drink spiking, all that shit. Same with elsewhere in the country; both prostitution and hookup opportunities abound. Yeah, she will expect you to be passionate and craving her, not timid and respectful like a good beta. Betas and dorks should stick with WMAF, or just find out where in the city the women loiter outside open doorways and go get a whore. Coomers have said that the Cali metro area, especially the smaller cities like Tulua which see few foreigners, are A+ cooming territory. Expect many girls to flake out, so ask multiple girls out every evening. On your date you should be getting touchy-feely ASAP. Start kissing and put her legs on your lap when sitting on a plaza bench. Learn them dance moves, too, and don't be a fraidy cat, do some bumping and grinding whenever the opportunity presents itself.


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still don’t know why guys like this think they’ll be able to survive in colombia
feel bad for the guy, but he sounds like a moron. You go up to some girls apartments that you do not know, your stupid
In 6th Tinder World Quest I made no swiping in Colombia at all. By following rule that swiping do in Americas only in countries with less than10 000 or areas with less than 1000 swipes. And those are total results of Colombia from my all tinder quests:

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