Iq isn't genetic and I asked you to send me studies but you sent a bunch of memes and news articles, not 1 link to a study. So no point discussing it anymore
christ dude. Do your own research. it's out there. IQ is genetic. Okay lets use our man common sense and logic
And PS. where the fuck do you think they got those stats from (there are graphs and stats in those jpegs). Made them up? or from studies? DO you REALLY think im going to do all that research and pull those studies for you to simply do what i knew you were going to do and say " still right?" man. if those stats dont' convince you, nothing will.
But if blacks are more likely to get scycle cell anemia than any other race....what is the cause of that? diet? poverty? or ....GENETIC. Going to say asians aren't as poor as blacks. TRUST ME they are just as poor or more poor (or look at indians, they are even worse. but no syccle cell anemia)
if blacks are more likely to have fast muscle twitch fiber. Is that diet? poverty? or .....>GENETIC
so common sense and logic says "IQ is also genetic"
Now dont' get me wrong, a malnurished kid is not going to reach his full potential with IQ but the deviation from nutrition is less than 5% either way. So instead of genetically being born with a potential 135 IQ, they may lose 5 IQ points due to malnutrition. but STILL is 130IQ.
or is it coincidence that askinazi jews on average have an average IQ of 120. Do you REALLY think its' diet, their socio economic wealth or location....or..>GENETIC
now, just like darwin said you will always have outliers with genetics. You know. two dumb as shit parents give birth to a genius. Or two fugly parents make a beautiful child. That is how evolution happens.
but we cannot look at the one offs. We have to look at averages. And averages say "EVERYTIHNG is genetic"
surely as a man you can see that logic?