Maybe I'll take a page out of sneep's book and use theological metaphor with the 7 deadly sins and their corresponding 7 virtues:
Lust <--> Chastity (PUA)
Greed <--> Charity (moneymaxxing)
Sloth <--> Diligence (digital nomad)
Pride <--> Humility (looksmaxxing)
Wrath <--> Patience (dark triad)
Gluttony <--> Temperance (gymcels)
Envy <--> Kindness (chad hate / chad worship ?)
I think the key would be focusing on a bit of everything and not being lopsided on any one of the scales. Don't let lust control you, but don't be chaste either. Don't salivate over wealth, but don't be unwise with your money either. Find the middle path in every aspect of your life, take in lessons where they are valuable without hyperfixating