
Been on it for a while now. Results started to be very noticeable after 3 months. Changed my life and ascended me like nothing else(even more than some of the surgery I got tbh). Literally works like a time machine and makes me look years younger than I actually am. It was so noticeable in my dating life once I got my nice hair back it’s not even funny. Pulling girls became a thousand times easier. I felt like I was 19 again dating wise when fin started working for the first time.

Also got an HT with one of the best surgeons in the world to perfect it, but honestly fin and minox would have already been enough if I didn’t have money.
Been on it for a while now. Results started to be very noticeable after 3 months. Changed my life and ascended me like nothing else(even more than some of the surgery I got tbh). Literally works like a time machine and makes me look years younger than I actually am. It was so noticeable in my dating life once I got my nice hair back it’s not even funny. Pulling girls became a thousand times easier. I felt like I was 19 again dating wise when fin started working for the first time.

Also got an HT with one of the best surgeons in the world to perfect it, but honestly fin and minox would have already been enough if I didn’t have money.
This motivates me more than anything else ngl. @cool said it made him look years younger too. I'm curious if you could be more detailed? Like wtf? Was it skin quality or something else
This motivates me more than anything else ngl. @cool said it made him look years younger too. I'm curious if you could be more detailed? Like wtf? Was it skin quality or something else
I also perfected my skin care routine and vitamin/mineral/protein/water intake during the time I started taking fin, so it’s very hard to say. However I do believe fin does something to your skin as well that makes it look a bit more youthful, although I don’t base this finding on any scientific research. I got my glass skin from diet and tret, I am very sure that is not from fin. But glass skin and young looking skin are still not 100% the same thing, although similar. A 40 year old person can have glass skin but you can still tell they are not in their 20s anymore.

I spent hundreds of hours studying looks and in all honesty, I think that many underestimate the importance of hair when it comes to looking young. Even blackpillers/lookism guys that think they understand its importance don’t always fully realize HOW important it is. Hair is absolute law, especially if you want to look young. And I’m not even talking about the obvious recession here. Thickness, structure, coloring, density all come into play and have an immense effect on looking young or old.
I spent hundreds of hours studying looks and in all honesty, I think that many underestimate the importance of hair when it comes to looking young. Even blackpillers/lookism guys that think they understand its importance don’t always fully realize HOW important it is. Hair is absolute law, especially if you want to look young. And I’m not even talking about the obvious recession here. Thickness, structure, coloring, density all come into play and have an immense effect on looking young or old.
I've been gradually realizing how true this is as of lately, too. Some fucking how I've had a NW2 since I was like, 16, and it has barely gotten any worse at a snail's pace ever since, and so I just never bothered addressing it considering I've always had longer hair + super scared of sides, but I always knew I probably had to address it one day. But slowly losing density and just not having as good of a "look" to it I indeed realize it goes far beyond just having a visibly recessed hairline or not.
But after trying mild 5-ARis like astaxanthin and having 0 sides coupled with the fact my skin quality for my age is an absolute FAILO, you saying how much younger it made you look and after having thought it over a bit (all the similar anecdotes I've heard), that was the straw that broke the camel's back and so just now I impulse bought some liposomal dutasteride, lol. The anti aging pill is essential and you have to start ASAP.

Some months ago I thinking about doing a cycle of test + anavar for facial bone growth, but I looked into before->after pics of people talking about TRT aging them and it's fucking BRUTAL; I'm on track to have something like that happen natty lol, puberty hit me like a freight train. I can't believe dudes think being bald and super muscular with their fucked collagen is gonna be appealing to women. Especially for orientalists like ourselves
Some fucking how I've had a NW2 since I was like, 16, and it has barely gotten any worse at a snail's pace ever since, and so I just never bothered addressing it considering I've always had longer hair + super scared of sides, but I always knew I probably had to address it one day.
Does anyone know more about this? A year ago I thought I was balding because I started looking at my temples and hairline more closely. Compared it to charts and it looks a lot like NW1.5, maybe even NW2 when viewed from the top.

But then I saw some photos of me when I was 16-17 years old. Sure enough... same hairline. Didn't change at all in 10 years. Do I just have natural norwood, or is this a precursor to balding?

I can attest to hair being law. Up until age 18 or 19 I had a shitty haircut, basically buzzed it. Forehead looked huge and the facial symmetry was all screwed up (top half of the head looked bigger than the bottom half). When I started growing it long on the top and paying attention to how it framed my face, I ascended a full point from the hair change alone.
Does anyone know more about this? A year ago I thought I was balding because I started looking at my temples and hairline more closely. Compared it to charts and it looks a lot like NW1.5, maybe even NW2 when viewed from the top.

But then I saw some photos of me when I was 16-17 years old. Sure enough... same hairline. Didn't change at all in 10 years. Do I just have natural norwood, or is this a precursor to balding?

I can attest to hair being law. Up until age 18 or 19 I had a shitty haircut, basically buzzed it. Forehead looked huge and the facial symmetry was all screwed up (top half of the head looked bigger than the bottom half). When I started growing it long on the top and paying attention to how it framed my face, I ascended a full point from the hair change alone.
I have no idea. Apparently it's not a super uncommon phenomenon for the hairline to regress a bit, probably during puberty, and then not progress, or progress very slowly - this would be a "mature hairline" (a term I'm sure many a man uses to cope with their real MPB). Dunno why it would happen though besides muh hormones being weird or because of craniofacial development, again both primarily taking place during puberty
Plan to run just oral fin for a year and see where it’s at - if there’s still need for recovery I’ll get a transplant. Really not liking the idea of minox tbh
a hair cycle takes ~6 months so that
you need to be consistent though
I've been gradually realizing how true this is as of lately, too. Some fucking how I've had a NW2 since I was like, 16, and it has barely gotten any worse at a snail's pace ever since, and so I just never bothered addressing it considering I've always had longer hair + super scared of sides, but I always knew I probably had to address it one day. But slowly losing density and just not having as good of a "look" to it I indeed realize it goes far beyond just having a visibly recessed hairline or not.
But after trying mild 5-ARis like astaxanthin and having 0 sides coupled with the fact my skin quality for my age is an absolute FAILO, you saying how much younger it made you look and after having thought it over a bit (all the similar anecdotes I've heard), that was the straw that broke the camel's back and so just now I impulse bought some liposomal dutasteride, lol. The anti aging pill is essential and you have to start ASAP.

Some months ago I thinking about doing a cycle of test + anavar for facial bone growth, but I looked into before->after pics of people talking about TRT aging them and it's fucking BRUTAL; I'm on track to have something like that happen natty lol, puberty hit me like a freight train. I can't believe dudes think being bald and super muscular with their fucked collagen is gonna be appealing to women. Especially for orientalists like ourselves
Finasteride and Dutasteride have about the same level of effectiveness, right?
I've been gradually realizing how true this is as of lately, too. Some fucking how I've had a NW2 since I was like, 16, and it has barely gotten any worse at a snail's pace ever since, and so I just never bothered addressing it considering I've always had longer hair + super scared of sides, but I always knew I probably had to address it one day. But slowly losing density and just not having as good of a "look" to it I indeed realize it goes far beyond just having a visibly recessed hairline or not.
But after trying mild 5-ARis like astaxanthin and having 0 sides coupled with the fact my skin quality for my age is an absolute FAILO, you saying how much younger it made you look and after having thought it over a bit (all the similar anecdotes I've heard), that was the straw that broke the camel's back and so just now I impulse bought some liposomal dutasteride, lol. The anti aging pill is essential and you have to start ASAP.

Some months ago I thinking about doing a cycle of test + anavar for facial bone growth, but I looked into before->after pics of people talking about TRT aging them and it's fucking BRUTAL; I'm on track to have something like that happen natty lol, puberty hit me like a freight train. I can't believe dudes think being bald and super muscular with their fucked collagen is gonna be appealing to women. Especially for orientalists like ourselves
Steroids are extremely low IQ and ruin your appeal to younger women. But muh winter arc bro! Your average fresh and fit/andrew tate fanboy thinks ogre maxxing will make him alpha and get more women. Okay good for him, so I can take his women. I have seen plenty of guys fall for that. Glad you saved yourself from irreversible damage.

As for dut, I think it's better to start with fin first since it's milder. Dut completely nukes DHT conversion all together, which may cause more extreme sides but CAN potentially give you better results. tbh I'm already not a big fan of the fact that I'm taking hormone altering meds so I rather stick with fin instead of dut to minimize ruining my hormonal profile. But completely up to you of course. Hope it works well for you brother
Finasteride and Dutasteride have about the same level of effectiveness, right?
Does anyone know more about this? A year ago I thought I was balding because I started looking at my temples and hairline more closely. Compared it to charts and it looks a lot like NW1.5, maybe even NW2 when viewed from the top.

But then I saw some photos of me when I was 16-17 years old. Sure enough... same hairline. Didn't change at all in 10 years. Do I just have natural norwood, or is this a precursor to balding?

I can attest to hair being law. Up until age 18 or 19 I had a shitty haircut, basically buzzed it. Forehead looked huge and the facial symmetry was all screwed up (top half of the head looked bigger than the bottom half). When I started growing it long on the top and paying attention to how it framed my face, I ascended a full point from the hair change alone.
Yes I do and no that is not mpb. Some people naturally have a widows peak/bad temples. This does not necessarily mean it's recessed from a mpb perspective. It is just your natural hairline. Especially considering it has been the same ever since you were young. Only a very small group of men lose their hair before 20. Also consider your thickness, structure, coloring(my hair got significantly darker on fin which adds to full look), density, like I posted earlier here. People blindly focus on just hairline, while it is way more than just that. I would argue that diffuse thinning is even worse than recessed temples to a certain degree. Nuanced as everything.

I believe that hair can ascend you more than one point if done right for some people. It's hard to say without pictures, but purely going off what you're saying here, I think the only solution is HT if you want to fix your temples. I was in the same position as you. My hairline was naturally just not that great so I fixed it surgically. It ascended me the hardest out of all procedures.
Yes I do and no that is not mpb. Some people naturally have a widows peak/bad temples. This does not necessarily mean it's recessed from a mpb perspective. It is just your natural hairline. Especially considering it has been the same ever since you were young. Only a very small group of men lose their hair before 20. Also consider your thickness, structure, coloring(my hair got significantly darker on fin which adds to full look), density, like I posted earlier here. People blindly focus on just hairline, while it is way more than just that. I would argue that diffuse thinning is even worse than recessed temples to a certain degree. Nuanced as everything.

I believe that hair can ascend you more than one point if done right for some people. It's hard to say without pictures, but purely going off what you're saying here, I think the only solution is HT if you want to fix your temples. I was in the same position as you. My hairline was naturally just not that great so I fixed it surgically. It ascended me the hardest out of all procedures.
i have diffused thinning and it sucks ass. fin stopped it but it's not the same anymore
As for dut, I think it's better to start with fin first since it's milder. Dut completely nukes DHT conversion all together, which may cause more extreme sides but CAN potentially give you better results. tbh I'm already not a big fan of the fact that I'm taking hormone altering meds so I rather stick with fin instead of dut to minimize ruining my hormonal profile. But completely up to you of course. Hope it works well for you brother
That's what you think tbh. New idea going around in the hair loss space is that post-finasteride syndrome (namely the mental effects like depression/brainfog) is possibly due to some possible off-target effect like PNMT inhibition, HDAC, etc and not directly 5-ARi related. as evidenced by a few things like people supplementing with neurosteroids - not that people don't get sides from dutasteride (i.e. especially sexually if the theory is true) but more people are trying it out after one too many anecdotes of people literally getting less sides after switching from fin to dut.
And then topical vs. oral is a whole other rabbithole. But if you want to enter the 5-ARiverse I think topical dut should be the first line of treatment, oral if it doesn't work, and finasteride is possibly a meme entirely
Steroids are extremely low IQ and ruin your appeal to younger women. But muh winter arc bro! Your average fresh and fit/andrew tate fanboy thinks ogre maxxing will make him alpha and get more women. Okay good for him, so I can take his women. I have seen plenty of guys fall for that. Glad you saved yourself from irreversible damage.
Pubertymaxxing can definitely be legit but it's super risky running androgens/GH in adulthood. And I'm not even talking about muscle but doing everything you can to be selective for keeping your collagen safe and prioritizing bone growth from a purely PSL perspective (anavar is pretty popular for this; people do cycles of it on looksmax which is dumb since it's suppressive but that's another story). The technology is not there yet lol
Anyone take it? Doing 1mg currently wondering how long it takes to activate. From what I’ve been reading it starts kicking in 3-6 months.
I take 1.25mg every day. You might notice temporary shedding or no change for a few months. But after about 3 months your hair will be noticably thicker and you should see continued improvements for a couple years and then it stabilizes.
Plan to run just oral fin for a year and see where it’s at - if there’s still need for recovery I’ll get a transplant. Really not liking the idea of minox tbh
I experimented with oral minoxidil. Small doses work quite well actually. It's just a very strong heart medication so you should take it carefully.
Well i hate to break the positive mood going around this thread but finasteride is a lottery, depends a lot from person to person. I have aggressive AGA and i started taking it in 2019, it stopped the falling of hairs and the situation has not worsened but i haven't had any regrowth. On the other side i had pretty severe side effects, especially in the sexual sphere, i'm pretty much unable to have a full erection without cialis or viagra. It makes you look younger but in a kinda creepy way imho,like people can guess if they look closely that you are older but at the same time you "appear" younger, there is always something off that i can't quite put into words. I still take it because i would be bald in a couple of months without it, but if i had slightly less atrocious genetics i would have gotten rid of this shit long ago.
the dht most likely affects your collagen somehow in a positive way. women have more collagen when younger due to their hormone balance.

rance you probably just have a big head. this is common among anglos and germanics. if you look at slavs for a long time you will see they have smaller heads. sorry slav bros.

renaissance man, if the fin fucks with your dick why dont you just stop it? I get that when you fuck it probably feels the same so you just accept it, but its probably gonna get worse. if fucking is the point of having hair, I feel like you're shooting yourself in the food. you can get a hair transplant or fuck even just get a wig at that point. if the wig doesnt work half the time, isnt that still better than your dick not working half the time?
rance you probably just have a big head. this is common among anglos and germanics. if you look at slavs for a long time you will see they have smaller heads. sorry slav bros.
Lol I do have a big head. Actually for me I think an advantage of having tall shoes/lifts isn't just the increase in height, but that it decreases the size of my head relative to my body. Probably overthinking it tho
the dht most likely affects your collagen somehow in a positive way. women have more collagen when younger due to their hormone balance.

rance you probably just have a big head. this is common among anglos and germanics. if you look at slavs for a long time you will see they have smaller heads. sorry slav bros.

renaissance man, if the fin fucks with your dick why dont you just stop it? I get that when you fuck it probably feels the same so you just accept it, but its probably gonna get worse. if fucking is the point of having hair, I feel like you're shooting yourself in the food. you can get a hair transplant or fuck even just get a wig at that point. if the wig doesnt work half the time, isnt that still better than your dick not working half the time?
With cialis or viagra i can still have good erections. The problem with hair transplant is that you have to take finasteride to keep the results or else the hairs behind the transplanted ones will fall, not a good look. Wigs are an option but i don't really like them and the maintenance is a nightmare. So all in all finasteride it's still the best option atm, i hope in the future there will be new medications for aga.
With cialis or viagra i can still have good erections. The problem with hair transplant is that you have to take finasteride to keep the results or else the hairs behind the transplanted ones will fall, not a good look. Wigs are an option but i don't really like them and the maintenance is a nightmare. So all in all finasteride it's still the best option atm, i hope in the future there will be new medications for aga.
Yeah you have hair 24/7 but you’re not fucking 24/7 lol.
Watch out for loss of sensitivity tho

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