Recommendation Female Looks Rating Scale to use as reference for the forum

Marco Pumpo

40+ countries travelled
Apr 18, 2024
Reaction score
people here usually don't post photos of themselves or their slays. so we have to fall back to x/10 ratings instead, but there are very different perceptions of those. sometimes they are highly subjective and sometimes they refer to different scales people have seen somewhere.

i researched to find a good scale that we can use as a benchmark to refer to when talking about rating women:

no, it's not the classic 4chan image. that one is useless because the examples for the particular ratings are totally different in quality and most are rated too high. must have been composed quickly.

and then there is the "PSL" scale. since this acronym is already put together out of 3 retarded websites, i'm not surprised that the result is retarded as well. i checked on looksmax (yea the website that most of you are coming from) and their pinned explanation post for the PSL scale is ridiculous. most men are rated too low. for an average rating there is christiano ronaldo, referenced as a 5.5 - so that is supposed to be AVERAGE? how mentally damaged do you have to be to believe that? discarded.

the best one i found is the below that got female faces rated in a survey by 1200 men. only downside is that it doesn't cover all races, so it could be difficult to properly rate an asia women for example. if you know a better scale let me know. otherwise i propose to use this one as a reference here in the forum when rating women.











In keeping with 4chan tradition, there are no automatic 10’s; someone from the 9 category might become a 10 for you, if they meet a specific niche you like a whole lot.

Either that scales way overrating the women or I really just don’t care for white chicks
No asians
exactly, that was the major downside that i was mentioning in my post.

the scales you posted are good. how were they determined? also by surveys?

holy shit the 0.5s are scary, can barely look at them.

i guess i'm around a 4.5-5 then... damn.
Looks are subjective but wow this list is terrible and follows a similar brain rot to psl, they also tried to be politically correct and put all races in each tier, why tf is there an indian and black woman in 10/10. They put one of the hottest jap girls of all time at 6.5 or "better looking than average" so it's definitely unusable. We would need to make a realistic and honest scale with just asians for this forum.
they also tried to be politically correct and put all races in each tier
good point. i just compared myself to the white guys there when i said i'm probably around 4.5-5. but compared with the guys of the other races that they put there i am a 6.

example: in reality this white 4.5 would mog this indian 6 from their list. it's pretty obvious who would get more matches online imo, even though the indian guy has a more symmetrical face.

2024-08-22 21_20_08-Window.png2024-08-22 21_20_16-Window.png

We would need to make a realistic and honest scale with just asians for this forum.
good idea :)
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does it even make sense to spend so much time rating faces?

i would rather get a 6.5 with perfect boobs, ass, hairstyle, and fashion that i like
than a boring 8 without makeup and flat
seems very unrealistic to care that much about face vs everything else
does it even make sense to spend so much time rating faces?

i would rather get a 6.5 with perfect boobs, ass, hairstyle, and fashion that i like
than a boring 8 without makeup and flat
in your example yes, that's true. but only because a 6.5 is already satisfying for most men.

but in a bad dating market: would you also rather get a 3.5 with perfect boobs, ass, hairstyle, fashion than a boring 5?
i doubt it.

seems very unrealistic to care that much about face vs everything else

unfortunately faces do matter a lot. especially for relationships. for sex not that much, people tend to be less picky about faces in that case if the body is hot.
good point. i just compared myself to the white guys there when i said i'm probably around 4.5-5. but compared with the guys of the other races that they put there i am a 6.

example: in reality this white 4.5 would mog this indian 6 from their list. it's pretty obvious who would get more matches online imo, even though the indian guy has a more symmetrical face.

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haha I didn't even look at the guys one, the disparity is way worse than the ones you posted for asia.
they used left as one of their examples for 5/10 white guy, who would be a god in asia
and then right is their 9.5/10 or most attractive indian guy who would have next to no smv

haha I didn't even look at the guys one, the disparity is way worse than the ones you posted for asia.
they used left as one of their examples for 5/10 white guy, who would be a god in asia
and then right is their 9.5/10 or most attractive indian guy who would have next to no smv

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thank god that he created east asia for us.

that indian chad would mog me here in germany for sure.
it's so subjective its so hard to do a proper ranking

there's guys that rate a top brown girl as average
there's guys that rate an average russian girl as top

and tbh who cares if you are dating a 6.2 or it's actually a 7.1 on a made up scale

as long as you find her hot and dont care being seen together in public or presenting her to your friends/family eventually
they forgot the 10 on your guys scale

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