everything in india can be bought for less than $10

$200 a month
now that you have a taste of india, the real question is WOULD you retire there. The costs sound awesome, makes my jew wallet sing.

i thought i would be happy in DR after visiting for 6 years. well. 6 months later, fuck this place. time to go and explore.
now that you have a taste of india, the real question is WOULD you retire there. The costs sound awesome, makes my jew wallet sing.

i thought i would be happy in DR after visiting for 6 years. well. 6 months later, fuck this place. time to go and explore.
i think it could be a potential place to live after i visit places like goa chennai kerala and posh areas of mumbai
i think it could be a potential place to live after i visit places like goa chennai kerala and posh areas of mumbai
well thanks for the reports. I am reading them all. Hopefully you get a good experience. I might get there, at some point, once i hit asia in jan. Looking for a place, that i can retire in, where pussy is cheap, or free is best option, but only if it's plenty, i get tired of having a gf really quickly.

and the interest rates are high (in indo i know the interest rates are 7.4% ) so if i retire in indo. Take a 100K USD and im making 7400 USD a year for nothing. eventually liquidate everything and i can happily live off 74K a year. Important thing is to bank back 50%. Staying way ahead of inflation. Don't want to be eating cat food when im older. In DR the interest rate is 11% and it's a fairly stable country. But the problem is everything is pricey. Restaurants are back home prices. Groceries are a bit cheaper by about 20%. But apartments if you want a pool are rediculously high. 1200 USD for a one bedroom apartment. And they dont' have fucking elevators here. So if you live on the 3rd floor. Guess what...your walking up. With all those fucking groceries.

and finally standard of living is okay, doens't have to be great. Living in cayman was safe. but boring. DR has hot girls but it's expensive as fuck. Cuba sucked so badly, that even the hot girls could not make up for the lack of EVERYTHING. And since the cruise ships have been coming. Cuba is getting so expensive it's bad. bad enough to have cubans openly rebelling against their gov. Something not seen in 30 years.
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I really wanna geomaxx to india, somehow I love curry girls.

Is it as shit as people say? Only ever heard bad things about being a tourist there.
well thanks for the reports. I am reading them all. Hopefully you get a good experience. I might get there, at some point, once i hit asia in jan. Looking for a place, that i can retire in, where pussy is cheap, or free is best option, but only if it's plenty, i get tired of having a gf really quickly.

and the interest rates are high (in indo i know the interest rates are 7.4% ) so if i retire in indo. Take a 100K USD and im making 7400 USD a year for nothing. eventually liquidate everything and i can happily live off 74K a year. Important thing is to bank back 50%. Staying way ahead of inflation. Don't want to be eating cat food when im older. In DR the interest rate is 11% and it's a fairly stable country. But the problem is everything is pricey. Restaurants are back home prices. Groceries are a bit cheaper by about 20%. But apartments if you want a pool are rediculously high. 1200 USD for a one bedroom apartment. And they dont' have fucking elevators here. So if you live on the 3rd floor. Guess what...your walking up. With all those fucking groceries.

and finally standard of living is okay, doens't have to be great. Living in cayman was safe. but boring. DR has hot girls but it's expensive as fuck. Cuba sucked so badly, that even the hot girls could not make up for the lack of EVERYTHING. And since the cruise ships have been coming. Cuba is getting so expensive it's bad. bad enough to have cubans openly rebelling against their gov. Something not seen in 30 years.
have you been to cambodia?
I really wanna geomaxx to india, somehow I love curry girls.

Is it as shit as people say? Only ever heard bad things about being a tourist there.
from what i’ve seen, the big cities are shitholes where you have to constantly make sure someone doesn’t scam you

but the higher class areas in the cities are really nice with quality people

i went to an art gallery in delhi and it was full of upper class indians who all looked good
Indians have foreskin and arranged marriagemaxxed meanwhile I'm a khhv circumcucked bum
something about lanky tallfag white dudes with subaverage faces instills such a primal rage in me. all of them ik irl are so smug because they are tall meanwhile they are always in oofy doofy relationships
well thanks for the reports. I am reading them all. Hopefully you get a good experience. I might get there, at some point, once i hit asia in jan. Looking for a place, that i can retire in, where pussy is cheap, or free is best option, but only if it's plenty, i get tired of having a gf really quickly.

and the interest rates are high (in indo i know the interest rates are 7.4% ) so if i retire in indo. Take a 100K USD and im making 7400 USD a year for nothing. eventually liquidate everything and i can happily live off 74K a year. Important thing is to bank back 50%. Staying way ahead of inflation. Don't want to be eating cat food when im older. In DR the interest rate is 11% and it's a fairly stable country. But the problem is everything is pricey. Restaurants are back home prices. Groceries are a bit cheaper by about 20%. But apartments if you want a pool are rediculously high. 1200 USD for a one bedroom apartment. And they dont' have fucking elevators here. So if you live on the 3rd floor. Guess what...your walking up. With all those fucking groceries.

and finally standard of living is okay, doens't have to be great. Living in cayman was safe. but boring. DR has hot girls but it's expensive as fuck. Cuba sucked so badly, that even the hot girls could not make up for the lack of EVERYTHING. And since the cruise ships have been coming. Cuba is getting so expensive it's bad. bad enough to have cubans openly rebelling against their gov. Something not seen in 30 years.
Latin America seems like its getting raided by naive americans and passport blacks. Is DR still worth going to?
from what i’ve seen, the big cities are shitholes where you have to constantly make sure someone doesn’t scam you

but the higher class areas in the cities are really nice with quality people

i went to an art gallery in delhi and it was full of upper class indians who all looked good
how easy is jbw? and how attractive are the prostitutes?
Latin America seems like its getting raided by naive americans and passport blacks. Is DR still worth going to?
ya DR is still reasonally priced, but if these "passport bros" keep coming. I estimate the cost will double in another 5 years. They are complete retards. Why do they come here ...for cheaper prices

so why do they keep paying more and more and more. Until they will eventually raise the price until it's no different than back home

just dumb niggers. ruining it for everyone.
well thanks for the reports. I am reading them all. Hopefully you get a good experience. I might get there, at some point, once i hit asia in jan. Looking for a place, that i can retire in, where pussy is cheap, or free is best option, but only if it's plenty, i get tired of having a gf really quickly.

and the interest rates are high (in indo i know the interest rates are 7.4% ) so if i retire in indo. Take a 100K USD and im making 7400 USD a year for nothing. eventually liquidate everything and i can happily live off 74K a year. Important thing is to bank back 50%. Staying way ahead of inflation. Don't want to be eating cat food when im older. In DR the interest rate is 11% and it's a fairly stable country. But the problem is everything is pricey. Restaurants are back home prices. Groceries are a bit cheaper by about 20%. But apartments if you want a pool are rediculously high. 1200 USD for a one bedroom apartment. And they dont' have fucking elevators here. So if you live on the 3rd floor. Guess what...your walking up. With all those fucking groceries.

and finally standard of living is okay, doens't have to be great. Living in cayman was safe. but boring. DR has hot girls but it's expensive as fuck. Cuba sucked so badly, that even the hot girls could not make up for the lack of EVERYTHING. And since the cruise ships have been coming. Cuba is getting so expensive it's bad. bad enough to have cubans openly rebelling against their gov. Something not seen in 30 years.
is this in USD or local currency, if it's govt bonds or term deposits in local currency your accepting currency risk. Currency risk is pretty massive unless you've got assets in a widely traded currency like GBP/EUR/USD/JPY even assets in KRW or CAD are kind of wonky sometimes.

This is just my 2c as someone who actively invests my own money across equities around the world.
is this in USD or local currency, if it's govt bonds or term deposits in local currency your accepting currency risk. Currency risk is pretty massive unless you've got assets in a widely traded currency like GBP/EUR/USD/JPY even assets in KRW or CAD are kind of wonky sometimes.

This is just my 2c as someone who actively invests my own money across equities around the world.
7.4 in local currency
but who cares, if you live there. Then it doesn't matter about vs USD. right?

if all your money is converted into their money. And you live in that country. you are infinitely more wealthy than everyone else, no matter what that dollar is vs USD.

Now the only time it matters if you decide to go elsewhere. THEN you are at the mercy of the dollar exchange.

But since im retired, and can chose to go on "vacation" when my local dollar is high and USD is low.

time means nothing when your retired. Been retired for 10 months now, and i will be honest. I DO NOT miss work
7.4 in local currency
but who cares, if you live there. Then it doesn't matter about vs USD. right?

if all your money is converted into their money. And you live in that country. you are infinitely more wealthy than everyone else, no matter what that dollar is vs USD.

Now the only time it matters if you decide to go elsewhere. THEN you are at the mercy of the dollar exchange.

But since im retired, and can chose to go on "vacation" when my local dollar is high and USD is low.

time means nothing when your retired. Been retired for 10 months now, and i will be honest. I DO NOT miss work
not true because a lot of imputed goods are priced in the international market. The obvious ones are food and energy, as for manufactured goods unless that country makes it domestically and has a decent supply chain to ramp up/down production capabilities for local consumption. It all depends on local industry for that to matter. It's also why certain countries are much value for money vs others even though nominal exchange rates are far higher vs developing countries.
not true because a lot of imputed goods are priced in the international market. The obvious ones are food and energy, as for manufactured goods unless that country makes it domestically and has a decent supply chain to ramp up/down production capabilities for local consumption. It all depends on local industry for that to matter. It's also why certain countries are much value for money vs others even though nominal exchange rates are far higher vs developing countries.
yes, but im still recieving 7.4 percent. So it does not matter if i have 100K in the bank USD
or whatever it is in local currency. it still converts to 100K USD.

the main part is, im recieving 7.4 percent. My ex and i were putting in 100K USD a year, in an indo bank. and the 7.4 is not a CD. so you got a bank card with your account and you can withdraw as much as you want, penalty free.

the only catch is, if you put 100K in for example, but you use 50K. at the end of the year, they only give you the interest of 50K not the 100K. Since you only have 50K left

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