Everyone here mogs me


Jun 22, 2023
You guys seem to be high t and proactive about your situation unlike most people today. I envy that, but my health is too bad to travel to another country plus autism means I would have a hard time with social connections. My only bet would be to theoretically ascend in my home country however that is very unlikely and I think my dick has stopped working, I pray it picks up the slack soon. I wish everybody here good luck of course but im basically in the sewers looking up at the scraps from above seeing everyone plan our their greatest work.

If I ever get my health back (im trying) I'll look into gemoaxxing, but I doubt that will happen jfl.
You guys seem to be high t and proactive about your situation unlike most people today. I envy that, but my health is too bad to travel to another country plus autism means I would have a hard time with social connections. My only bet would be to theoretically ascend in my home country however that is very unlikely and I think my dick has stopped working, I pray it picks up the slack soon. I wish everybody here good luck of course but im basically in the sewers looking up at the scraps from above seeing everyone plan our their greatest work.

If I ever get my health back (im trying) I'll look into gemoaxxing, but I doubt that will happen jfl.
try a carnivore diet and get more sun, also only drink water that is filtered and exercise everyday and ur health will improve. also eat fruit and real honey
This, but without the fruit and especially honey part. Sugar is bad and our ancestors only consumed it in very small amounts.
No you need the fruit but the honey needs to be moderated, Without the carbohydrates and natural sugars you won't be able to do normal physical activities without cramping up. There's a huge difference between processed sugar and natural real sugar that comes from fruit and honey.
No you need the fruit but the honey needs to be moderated, Without the carbohydrates and natural sugars you won't be able to do normal physical activities without cramping up. There's a huge difference between processed sugar and natural real sugar that comes from fruit and honey.
This is just wrong. Both fruit and honey contain huge levels of fructose which is literally a poison and is being metabolized by the liver in the same way alcohol is.
Furthermore carbohydrates as a whole are absolutely not necessary for the body. There are millions of people on a keto diet (I'm not one of them btw) where carbohydrate intake approximates 0 and you only consume fat and protein which the body converts to ketone bodies that replace glucose (in the case of a carb-heavy diet) as a primary source of energy and these people are doing just as well or better than people on a standard western diet which is full of carbs.
That being said I think it's fine to consume vegetables or even certain grains, both of which contain primarily carbohydrates, in moderation. Same can't be said for sugar unfortunately.
In your case @leafy given your health issues I would go for a strict carnovire diet (only animal products, 0 carbs) for about a month as a sort of elimination diet and see if you feel better afterwards. And if you do, you can then gradually introduce other food groups into your diet and see which ones cause your health problems. And even if the elimination diet doesn't work at all, you at least know that your symptoms are not the result of a dietary issue.
In your case @leafy given your health issues I would go for a strict carnovire diet (only animal products, 0 carbs) for about a month as a sort of elimination diet and see if you feel better afterwards. And if you do, you can then gradually introduce other food groups into your diet and see which ones cause your health problems. And even if the elimination diet doesn't work at all, you at least know that your symptoms are not the result of a dietary issue.
Sounds like a good idea, I'll try that out
This is just wrong. Both fruit and honey contain huge levels of fructose which is literally a poison and is being metabolized by the liver in the same way alcohol is.
Furthermore carbohydrates as a whole are absolutely not necessary for the body. There are millions of people on a keto diet (I'm not one of them btw) where carbohydrate intake approximates 0 and you only consume fat and protein which the body converts to ketone bodies that replace glucose (in the case of a carb-heavy diet) as a primary source of energy and these people are doing just as well or better than people on a standard western diet which is full of carbs.
That being said I think it's fine to consume vegetables or even certain grains, both of which contain primarily carbohydrates, in moderation. Same can't be said for sugar unfortunately.
In your case @leafy given your health issues I would go for a strict carnovire diet (only animal products, 0 carbs) for about a month as a sort of elimination diet and see if you feel better afterwards. And if you do, you can then gradually introduce other food groups into your diet and see which ones cause your health problems. And even if the elimination diet doesn't work at all, you at least know that your symptoms are not the result of a dietary issue.
I didn't know this but i have been researching a lot about fruit and all i see is positive benefits and better health, You do realize humans consumed not only animal products but fruit and honey when it was in season. The hadza tribe literally is one of the last hunter gatherer groups and they only go for the organs, blood and honeycombs or sometimes fruit when it is in season, I have been on this diet for 3-4 months now and last month i started eating fruit because i couldn't work out without having heavy cramps and feeling tired because low energy. I think the protein you ingest from animals is not going to make you have the same energy as you would adding fruit and honey into the mix cuz i tried the full carnivore diet and it just sucks ass it is not fun and just eating meat will make you quit doing it you need something to stimulate yourself.
I didn't know this but i have been researching a lot about fruit and all i see is positive benefits and better health, You do realize humans consumed not only animal products but fruit and honey when it was in season. The hadza tribe literally is one of the last hunter gatherer groups and they only go for the organs, blood and honeycombs or sometimes fruit when it is in season, I have been on this diet for 3-4 months now and last month i started eating fruit because i couldn't work out without having heavy cramps and feeling tired because low energy. I think the protein you ingest from animals is not going to make you have the same energy as you would adding fruit and honey into the mix cuz i tried the full carnivore diet and it just sucks ass it is not fun and just eating meat will make you quit doing it you need something to stimulate yourself.
Yeah, I also struggled doing strict carnovire (meat, salt, water) and I think for most people it's too extreme, at least mid- to long-term. It's fine to add vegetables and even a bit of fruit/honey to the carnovire diet as long as the bulk of the calories comes from healthy fat and protein.
The most important thing to keep in mind imo is that the standard food pyramide that is propagated in the west, with fruits and vegetables as well as cereal, bread and other carbs at the bottom and meat, fish, nuts and fats at the top is complete garbage. This is not how humans ate for the vast majority of our evolutionary history and many of the health detriments like Alzheimers, heart disease, underdeveloped jaws, etc. which are so common now are at least partially a result of this food pyramide effectively being turned upside down.
Yeah, I also struggled doing strict carnovire (meat, salt, water) and I think for most people it's too extreme, at least mid- to long-term. It's fine to add vegetables and even a bit of fruit/honey to the carnovire diet as long as the bulk of the calories comes from healthy fat and protein.
The most important thing to keep in mind imo is that the standard food pyramide that is propagated in the west, with fruits and vegetables as well as cereal, bread and other carbs at the bottom and meat, fish, nuts and fats at the top is complete garbage. This is not how humans ate for the vast majority of our evolutionary history and many of the health detriments like Alzheimers, heart disease, underdeveloped jaws, etc. which are so common now are at least partially a result of this food pyramide effectively being turned upside down.
agreed, the food we eat in the west is just pure poison filled with chemicals and nasty shit. it's worse in america but if ur in europe there's less bad shit and preservatives in everything.

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