Geomax establishing my own kingdom, where to go? - the story of josiah harland


“After his return, he fell in love with Elizabeth Swaim, for whom he wrote several verses of poetry. Soon after, they got engaged and planned to marry after he returned from the voyage to India and China. However, after his fiancée married someone else, Harlan vowed to never return to America and used the word solitude several times in his writings.”
i guess you could say this site is my own kingdom

and i’m the supreme ruler
We can make our own European/American Town in Philippines, buy up the land and make it look cool. And say ur only allowed in if ur a hot asian girl
not a half bad idea

i will install star link satellites so we can have quality wifi while being away from the polluted cities

maybe even create a caste system and import indians to work our farmland in hopes of buying their way out of service and becoming a citizen of our kingdom
not a half bad idea

i will install star link satellites so we can have quality wifi while being away from the polluted cities

maybe even create a caste system and import indians to work our farmland in hopes of buying their way out of service and becoming a citizen of our kingdom
not a half bad idea

i will install star link satellites so we can have quality wifi while being away from the polluted cities

maybe even create a caste system and import indians to work our farmland in hopes of buying their way out of service and becoming a citizen of our kingdom
@positivecoper would you take this offer to work our farmland in exchange for relocation to Alexastan, Philippines?
i was obsessed about jim jones when i was younger i read every book about him and other famous cults in the world

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