English people are probably the most priviledged people in the world


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Yes usa earns more than UK.

But you're forgetting Wales Scotland etc is broke af compared to England which drags down the avg wage

But if you google wealth per capita by country

English people have 2-3x more wealth than USA people. I think it's because of all the colonisation and shit, the wealth gets passed down through generation

England is the wealthiest country in thr world per capita which isn't a microcountry

The only countries wealthier than england is tiny ones like singapore or luxembourg which hws like 2m population

Basically most English people are trustfund kids who's parents will give them a 500k property for free and brand new mercedes at 18

This aligns with any English people I ever was friends with or dated

My ex gfs dad bought her expensive cars, Louis v shit, bought her a hair salon, a horse

My 2 best friends had brand new mercs/bmw for their first car at like 17 , 1 lived in a gigamansion

I'm semi from a rich family my dad's company makes like 10m per year, lives in a big af house etc. But I think cos my mom cheated on him and I used to bully him as a teen he basically gave me 0 of his wealth ever

Tldr ideal to be born English

Or if ur family is brokies then usa its slightly easier to make money, but not much difference compared to England/london. But overall I'd probably prefer to live in a warm part of usa just for the weather
Better to be poor in (most of) the USA than be rich in England. Better culture, better, weather (most of the year), more freedom (generally & relatively speaking). Much more to do and see. If you make it big in England and get rich, your first thought should be 'how should I get the hell out of here?' That's probably why so many left. Pilgrims risked their lives and went on a boat for 2 months to somewhere that had no civilization (America) and hardly anyone knew anything about the new land because England was just that shit.

Not saying America is the absolute greatest or anything but there's no way the UK is better.
Better to be poor in (most of) the USA than be rich in England. Better culture, better, weather (most of the year), more freedom (generally & relatively speaking). Much more to do and see. If you make it big in England and get rich, your first thought should be 'how should I get the hell out of here?' That's probably why so many left. Pilgrims risked their lives and went on a boat for 2 months to somewhere that had no civilization (America) and hardly anyone knew anything about the new land because England was just that shit.

Not saying America is the absolute greatest or anything but there's no way the UK is better.
Bruv I never said uk as a country is better. Cos of the weather only. But uk mogs usa hard in quality of life outside of that. I just said english people are the wealthiest in the world
Bruv I never said uk as a country is better. Cos of the weather only. But uk mogs usa hard in quality of life outside of that. I just said english people are the wealthiest in the world
Source? Every time I see a place in England, it always looked like a lower class place in USA. And tbf, the weath doesn't really mean shit to me if the country is depressing af.
Source? Every time I see a place in England, it always looked like a lower class place in USA. And tbf, the weath doesn't really mean shit to me if the country is depressing af.
Nah usa looks extremely low class compared to UK streets.

But yea I agree about the wealth doesn't matter if the weather is terrible.

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