Advice Don't ever let a filipina think shes worth anything


Professor of the Science of Geomaxxing
Dec 4, 2023
Saw some guys on here posting that filipinas asking for money to have sex with them.

You guys and filipinas are both confused.

white men = high value & rare
filipinas = low value & mass produced

white men = diamonds
filipinas = pebbles

if a pebble asked me (a diamond) to pay them for sex, id be offended, laugh in their face and remind them that theyre a pebble and im a diamond and that they were lucky i even muttered a word to them, and spit on their face

but some of you guys just let them openly disrespect you like that and do nothing back lol. cuckolds.

diamonds dont pay for sex with pebbles.

pebbles pay for sex with diamonds.

hence why asian women are known for paying for sex with white men -

tldr if an asian girl wants you to pay her for sex, say "eeeeee, im white. i wouldnt have sex with a filipina even if you paid me. you dont even have showers here 😂 "
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Goddess status is reserved only for north East Asian girls of good character
Egomaniacs do better in's a country which caters to their desire to feel special. But I agree, you should never hand a female cash after having sex, unless she is a professional prostitute. Doesn't matter how rich you are...don't give away cash. Money should be earned, never given. She will get to thinking that you are a human ATM, and pushing a few of your buttons will get the bills spewing out. If you want to impress her and feel like a bigshot, take her out to eat at the best place in town, then do some shopping. Go out and have fun all you want, but never hand her money, and make it clear that nothing she says or does will change your mind.
If they start requesting cash just move on
it will never be enough
Then they will start with guilt tripping you , my family,my buffalo , my roof, my presents,ecc..
All while texting on a iphone 15 which is like 2 years of their salary
The moment you stop putting out she will vanish
Would a chad ever give money to a random slut?
Egomaniacs do better in's a country which caters to their desire to feel special. But I agree, you should never hand a female cash after having sex, unless she is a professional prostitute. Doesn't matter how rich you are...don't give away cash. Money should be earned, never given. She will get to thinking that you are a human ATM, and pushing a few of your buttons will get the bills spewing out. If you want to impress her and feel like a bigshot, take her out to eat at the best place in town, then do some shopping. Go out and have fun all you want, but never hand her money, and make it clear that nothing she says or does will change your mind.
Egomaniac? Your confused buddy. They are the egomaniacs for thinking top tier race men should pay to have sex with them. This is just a healthy reaction to their insanity.

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